

The revision to the Club’s Governance and changes to the Constitution presents an introduction of two new sub-Committees, the Nominations Committee and Members’ Committee.

The formation of the Members’ Committee will welcome three ‘appointed’ Members to serve staggered three-year terms and will be chaired by the recently nominated and ratified Members’ Committee Chairman, Mike Smith.

This is an opportunity for the Membership to have a greater input to Club decisions through a skill-based nomination process, which will be sanctioned via a Members’ ballot.

Terms of Reference

>> Members’ Committee: View here


New Structure






Register Your Interest

The application process for the Members’ Committee is now open and we invite Members to register their interest for one of the three positions available.

Upon receiving the registration, applicants will receive an email with further information on how to formally apply for the Committee.


Members’ Forum

The newly-formed Members’ Committee was the topic of discussion at our latest Forum. Watch to view further information and discussion on the Committee with Club Chairman John Faragher and Members’ Committee Chairman Mike Smith.