2019 Essex Cricket Terms & Events


  • All bookings will be considered as provisional until the online event booking form has been completed and returned, together with the required payment and a confirmation email has been received from Essex Cricket.
  • All prices quoted are exclusive of VAT which will be levied at the rate prevailing when the event booking form is completed and is subject to alteration should the rate change.
  • The event booking form must be returned by the client and received by Essex Cricket within seven working days of the date of issue. If Essex Cricket does not receive the completed events booking form within this period we reserve the right to release the provisional booking.
  • Groups of ten will be on private tables. Smaller groups will be on shared tables.


  • On return of the event booking form full payment is due unless otherwise agreed by Essex Cricket accounts department.
  • An invoice and receipt will be provided for all bookings by post unless otherwise stated.
  • Should payment not be received within the above timescales Essex Cricket reserve the right to release the booking.


  • Should Essex Cricket, for reasons beyond its control, need to make any amendments to your booking, we reserve the right to offer an alternative event.
  • In the unfortunate circumstances that it becomes necessary for the client to cancel a confirmed booking at any time prior to the event, Essex Cricket reserve the right to charge a cancellation fee. The cancellation fee will be charged based on the full value of the event package.
  • Essex Cricket should be verbally notified of all cancellations followed by written/email confirmation no later than 24 hours after the verbal cancellation was given.


  • It is the responsibility of the organiser to ensure all members of the group adhere the venues dress code. Failure to comply with the dress code may result in non-admittance to our events.
  • Essex Cricket will not be liable for any failure to provide or delay in providing facilities, services, food or beverages as a result of events or matters outside of our control.
  • The client must reimburse the costs of repairing damage caused to any property, contents or grounds by you or any of your guests, to the event venue.
  • Essex Cricket can accept no responsibility for any equipment taken to any event, used or supplied by the customer and accepts no liability for loss or damage.
  • If you or your guests enter business cards into an Essex Cricket free prize draw, you/they agree to be added to our Beyond the Boundaries e-newsletter database. The popular e-newsletter provides updates and offers from Essex Cricket. From time to time a business card draw may be run in conjunction with an official partner of Essex Cricket, you and your guests reserve the right to not be included in these prize draws.
  • Essex Cricket cannot guarantee the attendance of individual players at events. Player attendances are subject to availability.