Essex currently has 7 clubs running disability cricket. The majority of those who take part have physical or learning difficulties but it is hoped that anyone with a disability will be able to take part in cricket across Essex in the near future.
Can I Help?
We would like all clubs to consider improving links with disabled cricketers by providing coaching facilities & ultimately opportunities to play. For more information about joining the disability league, please get in touch:
Essex BACD Team
Essex currently has an adult team playing in the BACD Hardball League Southern Section. For more information about the league as well as the Essex fixtures and results please see:

Cricket Federation for People with Disabilities (CFPD)
Find out more about CFPD and their latest news online via their website:

British Blind Sport (BBS)
Find out more about BBS and Blind Cricket along with their latest news via their websites: and

English Cricket Association for the Deaf (ECAD)
Find out more about ECAD and their latest news via their own excellent England Deaf Cricket website: