The result of the Amendments to the Club’s Constitution and Rules were announced at a Special General Meeting held in the Pavilion on Thursday 10 November.
Members of Essex County Cricket Club had the opportunity to vote on proposed changes to the Committee structure, which include a newly formed Executive Board and Cricket Advisory Group. Members received the full outline of the proposed changes in their Ballot packs sent out in October.
The result from SGM was almost unanimous with 93% of voting Members in agreement to the changes, in line with Rule 13.7 of the Club’s Constitution. The Club would like to thank all the Members who voted in the ballot (total votes received 1,646).
The fundamental change proposed by the Club, was for the number of elected Committee Members to be reduced from fifteen to nine; achieved over three years. The Committee will have the authority to co-opt up to three people who have specific skills to advise elected Members. The management process will be streamlined and sub-Committees abolished.
An Executive Board consisting of five elected Committee Members – to include the Chairman, Deputy Chairman, Cricket Chairman and Treasurer and one other elected Member, plus the Chief Executive and Finance Director, will also be created. The Chairman of the Essex County Cricket Board will also join the Executive Board.
A Cricket Advisory Group will be established under the Chairman of Cricket, whilst the Deputy Chairman of the Club will have specific responsibilities for Membership matters. A new Audit and Compliance group will be formed. The Club’s General Committee will oversee the strategic direction of the Club, and will monitor and hold to account the Executive Board.
An amended version of the Essex County Cricket Club Constitution can be found via the link below.