The Essex County Cricket Club Annual General Meeting took place on Tuesday evening at The Cloudfm County Ground and the result of the 2018 Committee ballot was announced.
It was confirmed that there were 7 nominations for the 3 available places on the General Committee and that a total of 786 voting papers were received (21% of the eligible voting Members).
Those nominated were:
Mr Kim Bailey (304)
Mr Peter Butler (420)
Mr Nigel Hilliard (487)
Mr Ian Patterson (413)
Mr Baiju Solanki (242)
Mr Brian Springall (113)
Mrs Kate Walters (314)
Those elected onto the General Committee:
Mr Peter Butler
Mr Nigel Hilliard
Mr Ian Patterson
A vote also took place on “The President being elected by the Committee at the first Committee Meeting following the Annual General Meeting and shall served for a fixed period of three years. At the end of that period, the Committee may elect that person to serve for a further period of 12 months up to a maximum of three years.”
The Committee recommended adoption of this revision to the Consitution and 651 people voted in favour of a change.
718 Ballot Papers were received, equating to 19% of the 3,791 Ballot Papers issued.