Recreational Season Update – Thursday 07 May


Revised article updated: Thursday 07 May, 5:00pm

Article first released: Thursday 26 March, 10:00am

Recreational Cricket Update

• Dan Feist – Cricket Operations – [email protected]
• Graham Pryke – Leagues and Clubs, Lead on Funding – [email protected]
• Natalie Samaranayake – Women & Girls, Youth – [email protected]
• Phil Knappett – Safeguarding and on-line courses – [email protected]
• Arfan Akram – East London Clubs and Leagues – [email protected]

A message from Dan Feist, Head of Cricket Operations, Essex Cricket

“In these unprecedented times it is fundamental that we first acknowledge the role we can all play in supporting each other to be safe, but once some form of normality starts to return, the role of Clubs as a Community Hub to spark excitement and engagement for all is going to be more important than ever before.

“Throughout history, Cricket Clubs have provided a united and reliable place for the community to come together and it has been great to see and hear so many positive stories about how this is continuing, despite the current situation. The news this week about the financial support that will be available for Clubs alongside other government initiatives comes at a welcome time for all.

“We will be now working with Clubs across the County to make sure they have all the support they need to ensure that they can continue to support their local community and remain a vital part of the wider Essex Cricket family.”

Current Government Advice

All the latest details can be found via:

Funding & Financial Support

Information on the ECB’s Leagues Loan is now available: Here

Further to ECB’s announcement on 31 March, today the ECB announced its Loan and Grant Scheme.

The Grant has been launched as the final resort so we would, therefore, encourage all Clubs and Leagues to ensure they have applied for the following first:

1. Government’s Local Authority Small Business Grant. For more information – click here
2. Sport England Funding – click here
3. The ECB Loan scheme – click here
4. The ECB Grant – click here

Please also consider visiting the following resources;

ECiC Guidance

ECiC has put together the following guidance that member clubs are recommended to act on.

Essex Cricket Covid-19 Webinars:
A series of webinars have been organised using conferencing platform, Zoom to share thoughts from different areas of Essex Cricket. We ask you to reflect on these and think about the one thing we can do now to help grow and sustain your club while enhancing your community tomorrow.

Thursday 23 April, 5pm – Club Development and Funding

48 members of clubs and leagues across Essex, Cambridgeshire, Huntingdonshire and Bedfordshire logged in to the first virtual presentation on Club Development and Funding which was delivered by ECB’s Duncan Jenkinson and Essex Cricket’s Graham Pryke.

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Listen to the Webinar:


Tuesday 28 April 12pm – Volunteering and Safeguarding

46 members of clubs and leagues across Essex, Cambridgeshire, Huntingdonshire and Bedfordshire logged in to the first virtual presentation on Volunteering and Safeguarding which was delivered by Essex Cricket’s County Welfare Officer and Director of Cricket Operations.

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Listen to the Webinar:


Thursday 30 April, 5pm – Grounds Maintenance

Essex Cricket’s Head Groundsman, Stuart Kerrison and Grounds Management Associations Regional Pitch Advisor, Phil Jeggo shared insight and good practices as well as answering questions on Grounds Maintenance, 66 members of clubs and leagues across Essex, Cambridgeshire, Huntingdonshire and Bedfordshire logged in.

webinarbutton-read webinarbutton
Listen to the Webinar:

• Tuesday 5 May, 12pm – Women and Girls

33 members of clubs and leagues across Essex, Cambridgeshire, Huntingdonshire and Bedfordshire logged in to the webinar on Women and Girls cricket delivered by Essex Cricket’s Head of Women and Girls Cricket, Natalie Samaranayake and Families Co-ordinator, Claire Smith.

webinarbutton-read webinarbutton
Listen to the Webinar:

• Thursday 7 May, 5pm -Youth Cricket and Player Pathway
Join Meeting – Here

• Tuesday 12 May, 12pm Scoring and Umpiring
Join Meeting – Here

• Thursday 14 May, 5pm – Marketing and Commercial activation
Join Meeting – Here

• Tuesday 19 May, 12pm – Coach Education
Join Meeting – Here

Good News

To date over £1M has been received from Governments Small Business Grant, Sport England Grant, ECB Grants and Loans to date. If your club or league is applicable and have not applied for any of the funding pots then please find links on the Funding and Financial Support section.

Case Study of the Week: COVID-19 Cricket Tea

Plans are being finalised for an opportunity for Club across the county to take part in a united COVID-19 Cricket Tea. This is set to take place on Saturday 16 May with clubhouses and pavilions being turned into foodbanks. This is a fantastic way to support the local community by linking up with local foodbanks or homeless shelters to provide a location for people to donate food.

Marketing support will be provided by Essex Cricket to showcase as many clubs as possible who are keen to be involved with further information and literature available next week.

The Cloudfm County Ground will be joining the campaign with donations welcome from the public.

Past Case Study: Upminster Race Night Quiz

On Saturday 11 April, Upminster Cricket Club held a Virtual Race Night for their members which attracted 300 members and raised £5K for both the club and the NHS.

You can see the full report via the Recorder Newspaper – here

Upminster Cricket Club Chairman, Ollie Peck has kindly agreed to run three free webinars if any club wishes to run a Quiz Night for their own members and can see how to set this up. The details of the webinar are as following:

Dates and Times:
• Monday 11 May, 8pm

Webinar Details:

Topic: Online Race Night – How To Run Tutorial
Date: Monday 11 May
Time: 8pm

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 834 4942 4148
Password: 280353

For any further information please do not hesitate to drop Oliver Peck an email – [email protected]

Recreational Cricket Update

‘APG 6 Balls to Help Restart Cricket’

As agreed at the Essex Cricket in the Community Adult Participation Group (“APG”) Meeting on 29 April 2020.

All leagues understand the challenges facing recreational cricket at this time.

Although many of the concerns that all leagues, clubs and players are facing at the moment cannot yet be answered, the APG has agreed on the following points to help clubs plan for the future and to give cricket the best chance to return when/if possible in 2020.

1. All leagues agree that their number one priority is to help reactivate play at their member clubs. Be that through their standard league set-up or helping to support creative ways of getting games played.
2. All leagues agree that there will be a period of time between the current lockdown being relaxed and the league season beginning: this is to ensure that grounds and facilities can be got ready for appropriate use. Recommended between 2-5 weeks: leagues to consult their clubs.
3. All leagues agree that there will be no league cricket before July 01 2020.
4. League fixtures and length of season:
• Leagues will try to use the fixtures already produced for their leagues.
• League games to be played on the usual day for that league e.g. Saturday League games not being played on Sundays and vice versa.
• Leagues to consider extending the season deeper into September and October by organising games/competitions at these times with clubs that are able to field teams and at grounds that are available.
5. All leagues agree that there will be no promotion or relegation between divisions for the 2020 season.
6. Penalties: All leagues agree that clubs will not face financial or points penalties for failing to fulfill fixtures, pulling out of divisions or other such offences that are due to the current Covid-19 Pandemic.

The APG will also continue to work with Essex Cricket in the Community, the ECB and Government to update leagues and their member clubs on any announcements or decisions around risk, hygiene and social distancing concerning the playing and organising of cricket.

Kind Regards from:
THE ECiC Adult Participation Group, Made up off all leagues across Essex.
SNEL, EAPL, H&EBL, ECCL, T Rippon, Two Counties, North Essex, Essex Sunday, NCL, EDCL, BSL, GMCL, LCL, LSL, E&MCL, BCL, GLCL, BTCL, LUCL, Warsop Sunday League, Indoor Cricket, Women Cricket Leagues.


Safeguarding – Please visit the safeguarding page for latest update on the following:
• Club Support -Safeguarding and Protecting Children
• Join Zoom Welfare Support Meeting every Tuesday at 4pm to get further updates and ask any questions.
• Safehands
• Social Media
• Zoom Video Conferencing
• Checklist for clubs running an online Zoom coaching session
• Club Welfare Officer Letter

Phil Knappett Essex County Welfare Officer: [email protected]

Club Development Plan
With the updates announced by Sport England and the ECB, we advise that clubs and leagues to work up contingency plans covering various eventualities. We also suggest that they should develop, or where appropriate update, their development plans – including a way forward – and perhaps include a financial assessment of the club’s current and estimated future position, with a comparison to the past three seasons. Projected cash flow will be particularly crucial.

Please do consider how your club can stay relevant and in people’s minds in the local community through online games/videos, members webinars…

Through consultation with a number of stakeholders, ECiC has taken the decision to amend the affiliation fee for ALL clubs to a £20 deposit which will be reviewed again at the end of September. As in previous years a percentage of this amount will be retained by the local Cricket Participation Group to support junior cricket development. Please inform clubs in your league and it will be communicated and processed up the chain.

Affiliation fees ensure the provision of support for clubs from ECiC and the ECB. If your league or club has not affiliated in the past and you wish to do so, then please make contact with your regional/district contact in the first instance.

During Tuesday evenings APG meeting, a number of leagues will not be invoicing clubs until they have a clearer picture of the season. We ask all our leagues to consider if this is a workable option for them, too. If you have other suppliers who have invoiced you for supplies, kit etc it would be sensible to contact them to discuss the situation.

Councils & Landlords
We recommend that each club in your league makes contact with their landlords and discusses the possibility of a rent holiday and/or reduction. We are keen for updates to be shared with your respective Essex Cricket contact.

Grounds Maintenance

The Institute of Groundsmen (IOG) on 02 April provided the latest guidelines and specifications for cricket grounds maintenance, respecting the Governments current guidelines – view here

An update on guidance for groundsmen and women can found here:

Indoor/Outdoor Nets
In line with the ECB statement on 18th March, the county has suspended all indoor cricket and all outdoor cricket activities are postponed until advised. If you have not already done so,please take the appropriate action.

Overseas Players
Do contact them and their agents as the situation obviously will alter their plans.

Online Cricket Games/Activities
We have been updating our platforms to show activities that individuals and/or families can take part in whilst at home; these can be located via:
• Website:
• Facebook:
• Twitter:
• Instagram:

Online Courses

Online Umpiring Course: A great opportunity to hone in and on your journey of becoming an umpire:

All Stars Cricket/Dynamos
The ECB have suspended All Stars Cricket and Dynamo Cricket until further notice. However as recently communicated by the ECB, ASC Packs and games at home will be posted out shortly to all that have registered. – more information

Next week we are excited to be able to share an updated All Stars Cricket 2020 Activity Booklet with all past and present All Stars parents for them to download. Jam-packed with eight different activity areas, introductions to cricket skills, quizzes and recipes from England players, the booklet has been adapted to be suitable for families whilst they are at home.

Youth Participation Group (YPG)
The YPG met via the virtual world, here is an update regarding Youth Cricket:

Active Essex Webinar
Organised by Active Essex, Essex Cricket amongst a number of NGB’s shared, discussed and debated a number of factors. The group will meet again in a few weeks’ time to ensure a cross-sport discussion with the focus of keeping our communities as active as possible and supporting young people.

The group also discussed funding and the following two links were signposted as a guide outside of the Sport England, ECB and Government funding.

and finally…

Most importantly it is clear that we want everyone to look after their own health and that of their members; this is the main priority of all.


In line with Government guidance, Essex Cricket in the Community staff as of Wednesday 18 March are working from home. Wherever possible, the team will continue to give support and will continue to provide updates as often as necessary.