Jamie Porter Heads Back To School


Following on from our Club to County videos last year, Essex star Jamie Porter went back to where it all began for him on Monday.

The Essex bowler visited his old stomping grounds, Gilbert Colvin Primary School and Oaks Park High School, both in Ilford, to speak with the students about working hard in school and his journey so far.

The 26-year-old also took part in some cricket activities and gave the students bowling tips, engaged in a fascinating Q & A session and encouraged the pupils to follow their dreams.

On his trip down memory lane, Porter said: “It’s a real privilege for me to be able to come back to my old schools and speak to the current students about my education and my career to date.

“I loved my time at Gilbert Colvin Primary School and Oaks Park High School, they’re some of the first places I started playing cricket, so it’s great to get the chance to come back and see the places that helped shape my career.

“Hopefully I’ve helped inspire some of the existing students, and if one pupil decides to pick up a cricket bat after speaking to me and start playing, then it’s been a successful visit in my opinion.”

Mr Wood, a teacher at Oaks Park High School added: “It’s fantastic to have Jamie down here today.

“As a former pupil, it’s really inspirational for the kids here today to see what a student from Oaks Park High School can go on to achieve.”