The Essex County Cricket Club Annual General Meeting took place on Wednesday evening over the Zoom video conferencing platform and the result of the 2021 Committee ballot were announced.
There were three places available on the General Committee this year with Members voting able to vote from six candidates. A total of 1,255 Ballot Papers were received, equating to 40% of the 3,144 Ballot Papers issued.
Those nominated were:
Mr Peter Edwards
Mrs Vicky Ford MP
Mr Paul Harvey
Mr Ronnie Irani
Mr Baiju Solanki
Mrs Kate Walters
Those elected onto the General Committee:
Mrs Vicky Ford MP
Mr Paul Harvey
Mr Ronnie Irani
In addition, the Membership was asked to approve a new Constitution put forward by the General Committee following a comprehensive review by the Governance Working Group in order to comply with the ECB’s new Governance Framework.
Key changes include the introduction of limitations on the terms of office of General Committee Members, and the establishment of a Nominations Committee (the main purpose of which is to provide advice to the Membership in electing a skills-based and diverse Board to govern the Club) and of a Members’ Committee (to be a conduit for information and policy matters between the Membership and the Board).
The Constitution was approved by an overwhelming majority of 1,045 votes to 50 votes.
The Club would like to thank the Members who voted this year and those who joined us on Wednesday evening for the virtual Annual General Meeting.