Last Wednesday saw the launch of Essex Cricket’s Business Club, a new venture for the Commercial Team who are looking to provide opportunities for like-minded, progressive individuals to meet, broaden the horizons of their business, learn from their peers and make valuable connections.
The event, sponsored by Greenleaf, saw new Essex Cricket CEO John Stephenson lay out his ambitions for the Club both on and off the pitch. This was followed by talks from Scott Goodfellow, Joint Managing Director of Wilkin & Sons and Jeff Dewing, CEO and Co-founder of Cloudfm Group.
Both spoke about how their respective companies innovated to not only survive during the pandemic but to re-evaluate their ways of working by finding creative solutions that would last beyond the pandemic. There were also important takeaways on the value of communicating openly and regularly with employees, especially during trying times.
The next event on the agenda for the Business Club is a festive drinks and networking session on Wednesday 15 December. If you’d like to attend, please complete the application form below. If you’d like to find out more about the Business Club, click here.