Essex Cricket in the Community (ECiC) invites applications from persons interested in joining the ECIC Board as non-executive directors who have interest/experience in some or all of the following areas: Club Development, Legal, Governance, EDI (Equity, Diversity and Inclusion), management and Community cohesion linked to Regional engagement and support. This is a great opportunity to be involved in a dynamic, progressive organisation that is looking to Excite, Engage and Enhance the communities of East London, Essex and East Anglia through the power and opportunities of Cricket.
The vacant four Essex Cricket in the Community Board Non–Executive Director positions are:
• Community and Sport Strategy
• Club and Community Development
• Youth Development and Engagement
• Governance, EDI and local authority engagement
Term: Three-year term, commencing on 1 April 2022.
Nominations will be elected by the recreational members of ECiC:
• Adult Participation Group
• Youth Participation Group
• East London Forum
• East Regional Group
• Workforce development
• Community Development
ECiC is led by a Board of Directors, consisting of the Chair and 11 other directors. Six of the directors are elected as representatives of the recreational game whilst the other six (including the Chair) are independent directors nominated by Essex County Cricket Club. The CEO of Essex Cricket is an ex-officio member.
Of the six recreational directors, two are retiring having complete terms of three years, one is stepping down and one (Jahur Ali) is applying for re-election. Including Jahur, therefore, there are four director vacancies.
ECiC has recently worked in partnership with Essex County Cricket Club to develop a countywide plan that is in line with the ECB’s Inspiring Generation strategy for the game, focusing on:
Mission: To be the number one cricket region in the country
Vision: To delight our members, supporters, players, staff and community
Objectives: Linked to the ECB strategy focus on the following 6 areas:
1) Grow and Nurture the core of the game
2) Inspire through Elite teams
3) Make Cricket accessible
4) Engage Children and Young People
5) Transform Women’s and Girls Cricket
6) Support our Communities
The Board plays a key role in guiding the strategic direction and sustainability of ECiC and achieving the aims of the strategy. Further information on the strategy and on ECiC can be sent on request or by contacting: [email protected]
Role: Board members cover various portfolios in line with the ECIC strategy and work areas. All positions are for 3 Years. At the end of this term, the incumbent may apply for a further three–year term. The maximum length of service is 3 x three-year terms.
We would be particularly interested in hearing from candidates with expertise in:
• Community / Regional Cohesion
• Club Development
• Legal / insurance and Governance
• Local Authority engagement
It is expected that successful candidates will be able to demonstrate recent and relevant experience in one or more of the above areas.
ECiC aims to have a diverse, skilled and experienced board. To achieve this, candidates are invited from all sections of the community, it is also a requirement that successful candidates agree to follow the ECB Safe Hands policy (copies available on request).
The position is voluntary, but reasonable expenses will be paid.
You can find more information around the responsibilities of a director at the following link – https://www.gov.uk/guidance/being-a-company-director
View Nomination Form
Please submit your nomination plus your CV to [email protected] by Monday 31 January 2022.