Essex County Cricket Club can today announce that three Board members, Nigel Hilliard, Ian Patterson and Mike Smith and the President, David Acfield will stand down at the Club’s next Annual General Meeting (AGM). This is in accordance with indications they had given at the previous Board meeting. Alongside the resignations of two other Board members, Wasim Haq and Paul Harvey, there will now be eight vacancies on the nine-member Board.
The date of the next AGM will be set in due course and the Club would like to encourage Members to apply to join the Board, details of which will be released as soon as possible.
The Club would particularly welcome applications that will enable a diverse Board comprising of a strong gender balance and people from a range of ethnic backgrounds and skills. This will enable the Board to best represent the broad array of activities of the Club.
The Board has agreed that the 2022 AGM will be delayed beyond May to allow Katharine Newton QC to complete her investigations into those matters that have not been dealt with in her interim report and to allow the Club the opportunity to consider the conclusions and recommendations in that final report, which may include constitutional changes. The Board intends to hold the 2022 AGM as soon as possible.
Furthermore, the publication of the Katharine Newton QC interim report is not yet possible due to the potential for it to affect other parts of the investigation; this has been confirmed by Katharine Newton QC. The Board has also received legal advice which confirms that publishing the interim report at this time could prejudice the outcome of the ongoing Cricket Disciplinary Commission process that the Club is currently undergoing. The Board intends to publish the interim report at the earliest possible time.
We will advise Members on a specific date for the 2022 AGM once confirmed.