With the current spell of very hot weather set to continue for the next week, a quick reminder on how to keep players and spectators safe whilst playing and watching cricket.
Sun protection guidelines for those participating, spectating or working in sport or outdoor recreation. The following specific tips and advice have been developed with the help of the England & Wales Cricket Board.
• Apply a broad-spectrum product with an SPF 30 or higher, paying special attention to your ears and nose and any other exposed areas prone to burning.
• Using a sunscreen applicator, stick, or cleaning palms with a small towel and alcohol gel, is a good way to avoid a greasy grip whilst playing.
• Once applied to the skin, reapply sunscreen every 2 hours, or more often if you are prone to excessive sweating, or playing hard!
• Remember to wear a cap, and when fielding a brimmed hat which offers greater protection.
• After the batting helmet comes off, remember to reapply sunscreen (it will be wiped off) and top off with a wide-brim hat.
• Fielding but the sun is in your eye? Wear wraparound sunglasses to keep your eyes safe from all angles.
• Wear light clothing that protects arms and legs. Consider flipping the collar up on tops for added protection, and using sun sleeves which provide flexibility when pitching and bowling.
• The sun is strongest between 11 am and 3 pm so, if possible, look to play/train outside of these hours, particularly on clear, sunny days.
• Get into the habit of applying sunscreen before you start an outdoor activity.
• Whilst spectating or waiting for play do so in a shaded area, out of direct sunlight.
• Consider setting up gazebos to protect your team if there is no natural shade available
Coaches and managers have a Duty of Care with Under 18’s playing in youth fixtures or open-age cricket, and they should consider the guidance below.
• Ensure that there are regular drinks breaks; it is suggested ten overs maximum between drinks, which, when possible, are taken in the shade.
• All under 18 will wear helmets when batting or standing up, keeping wicket. Umpires should regularly check for signs of overheating and, where necessary, have additional drinks breaks. A wicket-keeper could be wearing a helmet for their entire game.
Download the Signs and Symptoms of Dehydration Document
Sun Safety
• Encourage all to wear long-sleeved shirts with collars up and a floppy hat rather than baseball-style caps.
• Advise youngsters not to play casual cricket before a match or between innings. They should be encouraged to wait in the shade.
• Sun blocker/creams should be provided by parents/carers and have spare available to top up. A minimum SPF 30 blocker should be applied liberally to all exposed areas with special attention to ears and noses by parents. Parents must be consulted to ensure there is no risk of an anaphylactic or allergic reaction to any product.
Playing Regulations
If you cannot move the date or starting time when the sun is strongest, consider:
• Using smaller boundaries
• Decrease the number of overs bowled.
• Playing 12 or 13 aside to enable rotation.
• Ensure batting side wait in shade during game
The Outdoor Kids Sun Safety Code
Sport Sun Safety Guidelines
Hydration info from NHS