Essex Cricket would like to address the Daily Mail story published online on Tuesday 03 October 2023 regarding the Katharine Newton KC report.
The use of non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) for 3-5 years is standard practice and imperative to preventing sensitive information from being released before the due process has been completed. These are also in place to protect those named in the report.
Essex Cricket is committed to publishing the independent report to its fullest extent. Contrary to the Daily Mail article, the Club has not yet received the full report from Ms Newton, but we understand it is now imminent.
The delivery has encountered delays caused by lack of response from participants. This has considerably lengthened the time taken to complete the investigation.
However, this is not the final step in the process. There will be highly sensitive matters and recommendations to consider, and these will be reviewed by an independent Committee appointed by the Club. Until this final part of the process is concluded – and it will be done with fairness and speed – it is important that confidentiality is maintained.
03/10/23, 10:23am: The Daily Mail has removed the false information, which stated the Club’s Executive Team have been in possession of the final Katharine Newton KC report for several months.