All qualified coaches are required to have up-to-date Safeguarding training. This can be done by completing an online Safeguarding for Coaches and Activators (SCAT) course free of charge.

There are 2 parts to the course: a workshop followed by a brief assessment to check for understanding. It should take you up to an hour to complete. The SYC course is valid for 3 years upon completion.

Coaches that qualified pre-2013 can update their safeguarding training by completing the online Safeguarding for coaches and activators (SCAT). On registering for the online course, coaches will be sent login details for the e-learning portal to allow them to complete the course.

Coaches that have completed an ECB Certificate in Coaching Children’s Cricket or an ECB Certificate in Coaching Young People & Adults (post-2013) and Coach Support Workers can update their SCAT using their e-learning portal. This will appear on the portal approximately 48 hours after registering for the SCAT course.

New coaches that have enrolled on one of our Coach Education courses, will be sent a login to complete the SYC, which will need to be done prior to starting your course.

Please note that Overseas Coaches and Club Safeguarding Officers can now complete the online SCAT and Safeguarding for Committee Members & Officials (CSO’s) respectively.

If you require a link to complete the Safeguarding for coaches and activators Course please email [email protected] with the following information so that this can be sent out:

  • Full Name
  • Club
  • Your position at Club SCAT required for
  • Email Address