Linear Scoring Course |
Duckworth Lewis Stern Course |
Club Scorer Course |
Play-Cricket Scorer App Course |
Linear Scoring
Linear scoring is a written form of cricket scoring using a different layout to the familiar Box style scoresheet, where entries for batting and bowling are combined into the same scoresheet area, reducing the amount of entries to be made.
It is used to support cricket media as the layout shows a timeline of the innings and it can also be used as a manual backup when scoring electronically. Once mastered, linear scoring is a much quicker and easier way to score.
To attend this course, you must be a competent Box style or electronic scorer already, as this session does not include any Laws of Cricket or scoring basics but takes your existing skills and transfers them to a linear style scoresheet.
During the course, you will be doing some linear scoring from a video of a game, so please bring your own pens/pencils. Linear scoresheets will be provided but if you have one of your own that you want to try out, please bring a paper copy of it with you.
To attend this course, you must be a competent Box style or electronic scorer already, as this session does not include any Laws of Cricket or scoring basics but takes your existing skills and transfers them to a linear style scoresheet.
Date |
Description |
Time |
Venue |
Price |
Booking Link |
29 March 2025 |
Linear Scoring |
13:30-16:30 |
The County Ground, New Writtle Street, Chelmsford, CM2 0PG |
£20.00 |
Duckworth Lewis Stern
DLS is a method of setting a revised target score in cricket for the team batting second, when overs have been lost due to a suspension in play.
This half day course aims to unlock the mystery of DLS and to explain about the two different forms (Professional and Standard) that are used. During the course you will try your hand at calculating DLS using both methods.
DLS Professional is calculated using software, for which you will require a laptop running the Windows operating system (v7 or later). You will need to bring your own laptop but the DLS software will be provided on the day.
DLS Professional requires the latest version of Java (Java Runtime Environment), which you can download at no cost from the Java website. Please ensure Java is downloaded and installed before attending the course.
If you cannot bring a Windows ® based laptop, you can be paired with someone else to during the Professional exercises. We will be calculating DLS Standard manually. You will find the use of a calculator helpful and be prepared for lots of maths.
This course will cover the theory and practical use of Duckworth Lewis Stern. It looks at how DLS can be calculated manually, within PCS Pro and using the stand alone ICC DLS calculator. Please bring your laptop with you with PCS Pro pre-installed.
The course will not cover any laws of cricket nor basics of scoring. Candidates are expected to already know how to score manually or electronically.
Date |
Description |
Time |
Venue |
Price |
Booking Link |
29 March 2025 |
Linear Scoring |
10:00-12:00 |
Essex Cricket, New Writtle Street, Chelmsford, CM2 0PG |
£20.00 |
Club Scorer
Club Scorer is the course for anyone wanting scoring on a regular basis and is the only one to comprehensively teach you how to score. This course is suitable for complete beginners and existing scorers who want to improve their skills. On completion of the course you will receive an ECB ACO Club Scorer attendance certificate.
This is a two-day course run over two consecutive Sundays (23rd February & 2nd March 2025), and will cover the basics of cricket scoring in a scorebook. It will cover all you need to know about the fundamentals of scoring. Attendance at both days is required.
This course is invaluable for the scorer who wants to score for their club, and also as a means to progress within the Scorers Pathway, whether using a book or electronic scoring.
Please arrive promptly for a 10am start and bring pens/pencils with which to score. Parking is available via the New Writtle Street entrance.
Tea / coffee / water will be provided throughout the day. Please bring your own lunch for both days. Disabled access is available.
The cost is £30 per delegate payable to the ECB at the time of booking your place.
Dates |
Description |
Time |
Venue |
Price |
Booking Link |
23 February & 02 March 2025 |
Club Scorer |
10:00-17:00 |
Essex Cricket, New Writtle Street, Chelmsford, CM2 0PG |
£30.00 |
Play-Cricket Scorer App
Scoring electronically has become ever more popular as a method of scoring and this workshop covers the use of Play Cricket Scorer App (not PSC Pro®).
This workshop is a free, three-hour training course / workshop brought to you by the Herts & Essex Border League and the Essex ACO.
This course covers electronic scoring on the Play-Cricket Scorers App, ideal for beginners, inexperienced club scorers, parents covering junior matches or those wanting to gain accreditation and more knowledge of scoring.
· Interactive course
· Path to accreditation
· Refreshments/bar available
· Open to all
Dates |
Description |
Time |
Venue |
Price |
Booking Link |
23 February & 02 March 2025 |
Club Scorer |
11:00-14:00 |
Harlow Cricket Club, Chippingfield, Harlow, CM17 0DJ |
Free |