The start of the season may not have been what was hoped for but the focus has shifted on to the health and well-being of individuals and our communities. A positive reflection is to look at the great things that our clubs and cricket are doing to engage with players and the wider game.
This is a chance to continue creating exciting opportunities, which enhance your club’s profile, help the local community and provides a key part in the success of Essex Cricket.
A series of webinars have been organised using conferencing platform, Zoom to share thoughts from different areas of Essex Cricket. We ask you to reflect on these and think about the one thing we can do now to help grow and sustain your club while enhancing your community tomorrow.

• Thursday 23 April, 5pm – Club Development and Funding
48 members of clubs and leagues across Essex, Cambridgeshire, Huntingdonshire and Bedfordshire logged in to the first virtual presentation on Club Development and Funding which was delivered by ECB’s Duncan Jenkinson and Essex Cricket’s Graham Pryke.

Listen to the Webinar:
• Tuesday 28 April 12pm – Volunteering and Safeguarding
46 members of clubs and leagues across Essex, Cambridgeshire, Huntingdonshire and Bedfordshire logged in to the first virtual presentation on Volunteering and Safeguarding which was delivered by Essex Cricket’s County Welfare Officer and Director of Cricket Operations.
• Thursday 30 April, 5pm – Grounds Maintenance
Essex Cricket’s Head Groundsman, Stuart Kerrison and Grounds Management Associations Regional Pitch Advisor, Phil Jeggo shared insight and good practices as well as answering questions on Grounds Maintenance, 66 members of clubs and leagues across Essex, Cambridgeshire, Huntingdonshire and Bedfordshire logged in.
• Tuesday 5 May, 12pm – Women and Girls
33 members of clubs and leagues across Essex, Cambridgeshire, Huntingdonshire and Bedfordshire logged in to the webinar on Women and Girls cricket delivered by Essex Cricket’s Head of Women and Girls Cricket, Natalie Samaranayake and Families Co-ordinator, Claire Smith.
• Thursday 7 May, 5pm -Youth Cricket and Player Pathway
79 members of clubs and leagues across Essex, Cambridgeshire, Huntingdonshire and Bedfordshire were giving insight on the strategy and process in place when it comes to Youth Cricket and Pathway. Cricket Operations Director, Dan Feist shared the framework, Academy Director Barry Hyam explained in detail of how the programmes are developed and players are progressed and Men’s Head Coach Anthony McGrath bought the whole journey, pathway and philosophy together in sharing the clubs values what it takes to be a first XI professional cricketer.

Listen to the Webinar:
• Tuesday 12 May, 12pm Scoring and Umpiring
Essex born and professional umpire Neil Bainton was joined by Essex ACO Chair Paul Brice with 41 logged in to the call. Neil share his journey from playing Junior and Recreational Cricket to working his way into the professional umpiring, one of the first non-first class cricketers to do so. Paul shared the structure in place for anyone wishing to become an umpire or scorer.
• Thursday 14 May, 5pm – Marketing and Commercial activation
Essex Cricket’s Marketing and Communication Manager Ashley Neave, Commercial Manager Darrell Fox were joined by Queenie Porter who was representing one of the club sponsors (and webinar partner) WOW Hydrate. 26 people logged-in to understand how the Club works collaboratively internally and with sponsors to not only identify but to activate a partnership. Ashley and Darrell shared good practices, tips and advice in what community cricket clubs can do to engage with new and existing sponsors as well as maximising digital and media platforms to have a good presence. Wow Hydrate also shared an incredible offer, but you will have to watch the webinar to find out more…
Listen to the Webinar:
• Tuesday 19 May, 12pm – Coach Education
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