A message from Dan Feist, Head of Cricket Operations, Essex Cricket
Once again last weekend and this week has shown what the Spirit of Cricket really stands for, with clubs and leagues supporting each other to get the game back on, I am sure you will all agree the site of Cricket being back playing in the county was enough to put a smile on anyone face. I hope at some point over the last week you have all taken time to reflect on what you have all achieved to help the game get to this point. Having said that we are now really at the beginning of the opportunity as we look to be creative and flexible in our ways of delivering Cricket to encourage as many people as possible to get involved with this great game.
Please remember to make the most of the ECB support and information that is available especially around the funding, Natwest Cricket force and resources to help you set up your ground for games and training. On top of this please don’t hesitate to contact any member of the team if you have a question or need further assistance.
Wishing you all the best for the weekend,
ECB Update: Return to Play
View the latest update from the ECB – here
You can also find a range of helpful resources and support via Essex Cricket’s Return To Cricket page – here
ECB Extend Grant and Loan Scheme
This week the ECB confirmed that they have extended the Return to Cricket Grant and Loan scheme for clubs and leagues, if you feel that your club, league need some more financial support to help you get through the season, from purchasing PPE and setting the ground up for being COVID ready to planning end of season work then please get in touch with Graham Jelley and Graham Pryke who along with the documents attached can provide you the support and guidance you need.
Helpful Resources:
Return to Cricket – FAQs for Clubs Leagues – here
Return to Cricket – Guidance Notes for Clubs & Leagues – here
Emergency Loan Scheme – FAQs for Clubs – here
Emergency Loan Scheme – Guidance Notes for Clubs – here
ID Verification
Face-to-face ID document verification can now take place as long as the verifier and those requiring their ID to be verified observe all Government guidelines.
Above all, you must be able to operate consistently within Government guidance regarding health, social distancing and hygiene. This guidance currently includes that all users can maintain a safe “one metre plus”, where 2m social distancing is not possible, that good hygiene practices are in place, that equipment is disinfected regularly, and that it is clear that anyone who is symptomatic or suspects they have been exposed to the virus does not take part and remains at home.
Club Welfare Officers who feel it’s not appropriate for them to complete the verification process at this time should contact Phil Knappett.
At this time, it also means that video identification will be suspended as we need to meet strict audit requirements for this process. The only exception would be that the verification process would be counterproductive to Government Guidelines when will look to provide further support on a case by case basis.
Full details will be published on www.essexcricket.org.uk/community next week.
County Competitions
At this week’s Youth Participation Group meeting it was agreed that the Brian Taylor, Matchplay and U19 competitions will run to a revised format running from the first week of August to the middle of September. Clubs have been put into local groups for the initial stages before progressing to knockout stages. We like to wish all the teams competing for all the best in these historic competitions.
Mini Matchplay
At the same meeting it was agreed that the Mini Matchplay this year will be run on the same day (Date TBC) but hosted at multiple grounds around the county due to the County Ground not being available, more information about this will be released in the next couple of weeks.
Coach Education
This week the ECB have given the go ahead for the return of Coaching Courses.
The programme is to be fed back in stages starting with the Assessment process for Candidates who have submitted their folders and are ready to complete their coaching journey.
Once the full guidance from The UK Government on indoor facilities and their use the second stage is to complete those Certificate in Coaching Course (Level 2) that were underway before COVID-19 hit.
It is hoped that the Foundation 1 courses will be back by the Autumn however at this time no fixed timeline has been confirmed.
ECB take up Essex Cricket, Alternative Cricket tea scheme for the West Indies test
Together in this Test
Second Test: 16 July
During the second Test, with the help of cricket clubs and local community groups, we will be raising awareness of, and helping tackle, food poverty in the UK through a Cricket Tea-A-Thon campaign in partnership with the Trussell Trust, a leading food poverty charity in the UK.
We will be hosting a virtual cricket tea event at ‘tea’ on day two of the second Test to get clubs, volunteers and families across the country sharing their own cricket teas on social media and encouraging them to donate products to clubs that have signed up as collection points.
• What do clubs need to do?
Clubs have the opportunity to register as Trussell Trust food collection points for food banks and we would love for as many to get involved as possible. All they need to do is sign up here.
During the match itself, we hope that clubs will encourage their members to host their own cricket teas, share pictures and videos across social media using the #CricketTea and encourage members of the cricket family to donate food to their local cricket club collection point.
• When will more details be shared and what do clubs need to do?
More information can be found here. We encourage clubs to sign up to be food collection points which they can do by registering here.
If you have questions please contact the ECB by emailing here.
Ideas for Activating your Members
Playing and coaching, see the link to the ECB icoachcricket
Umpiring Inter League Challenge Launches
Essex Cricket in the Community have been working closely with the ECB and Essex Association of Cricket Official (ACO) to create a brand new recruitment drive for budding umpires across the region – Here
Umpires Inter-League Recruits Table
Useful Tips for Umpires
Click here for a useful guide.
The Safeguarding section on the Essex Cricket Community website has been updated should there be any queries particularly around obtaining a DBS, Social Media, CWO training and support.
Covid-19 Webinar Series
These webinars can be viewed on the COVID-19 Club Support & Resources page of the website by clicking here.
All Webinars can be viewed on YouTube by clicking here.
Return to Cricket Webinar
You can view the Return to Cricket Webinar here.
Current Government Advice
All the latest details can be found via: https://www.gov.uk/coronavirus