Revised article updated: Friday 5 June, 5:00pm
Article first released: Thursday 26 March, 10:00am
Recreational Cricket Update
• Dan Feist – Cricket Operations – [email protected]
• Graham Pryke – Leagues and Clubs, Lead on Funding – [email protected]
• Natalie Samaranayake – Women & Girls, Youth – [email protected]
• Phil Knappett – Safeguarding and on-line courses – [email protected]
• Arfan Akram – East London Clubs and Leagues – [email protected]
A message from Dan Feist, Head of Cricket Operations, Essex Cricket
“In these unprecedented times it is fundamental that we first acknowledge the role we can all play in supporting each other to be safe, but once some form of normality starts to return, the role of Clubs as a Community Hub to spark excitement and engagement for all is going to be more important than ever before.
“Throughout history, Cricket Clubs have provided a united and reliable place for the community to come together and it has been great to see and hear so many positive stories about how this is continuing, despite the current situation. The news this week about the financial support that will be available for Clubs alongside other government initiatives comes at a welcome time for all.
“We will be now working with Clubs across the County to make sure they have all the support they need to ensure that they can continue to support their local community and remain a vital part of the wider Essex Cricket family.”
Latest ECB Update
On Friday 05 June, the ECB released further practical guidance to players and clubs on the steps they should take whilst undertaking recreational cricket activity and informal cricket activity in an outdoor environment given the current restrictions in place due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The key update in the guidance is the allowance of small group sizes (now up to six individuals), however a number of other subtle but important changes are listed throughout the document.
• Guidance Summary – Here
• Return to Activity in a Club Setting Guidance – Here
• Outdoor Facilities Guidance – Here
Together in this Test:
The ECB has launched ‘Together Through This Test’, a nationwide campaign shining a light on the work undertaken by the game in response to COVID-19 and highlighting resources available to the public – Here.
Raise the Bat for Cricket’s Key Workers:
Essex Cricket have joined the ECB’s #raisethebat campaign, which highlights key workers from the world of cricket who have helped to support their local community during COVID-19 – Here
Google’s Digital Garage Workshops:
Cricket clubs across England and Wales can benefit from digital skills webinars as part of a new partnership between the ECB and Google Digital Garage – Here
Umpiring Inter League Challenge Launches:
Essex Cricket in the Community have been working closely with the ECB and Essex Association of Cricket Official (ACO) to create a brand new recruitment drive for budding umpires across the region – Here
Current Government Advice
All the latest details can be found via: https://www.gov.uk/coronavirus
Funding & Financial Support
Information on the ECB’s Leagues Loan is now available: Here
If clubs/leagues are not eligible for either Local Authority or Sport England funding and still require financial assistance or simply to update us on their current circumstances to touch base with Graham Pryke or Arfan Akram.
Further to ECB’s announcement on 31 March, today the ECB announced its Loan and Grant Scheme.
The Grant has been launched as the final resort so we would, therefore, encourage all Clubs and Leagues to ensure they have applied for the following first:
1. Government’s Local Authority Small Business Grant. For more information – Here
2. The ECB Loan scheme – Here
3. The ECB Grant – Here
4. Community Initiative Fund – www.ealc.gov.uk/community-initiative-fund
Please also consider visiting the following resources;
ECiC Guidance
ECiC has put together the following guidance that member clubs are recommended to act on.
Call to the Cricket Community:
We have been asked by ECB to encourage individuals in your club to register for Play Cricket if they are not already. The ECB want to start reaching as many individuals as possible and this is a great additional method.
COVID-10 Webinars
We hope you enjoyed the first series of webinars and plans are now in place for a second series of useful resource sessions. Please find the list of new zoom webinars below and if there are any additional topics you would like to be covered then please get in touch!
Latest Webinars:
Tuesday 2 June, 12pm – Developing players in Nets and Engaging the transition between Teens to Adults
Former Essex & England Captain and Coach Graham Gooch, Cambridge University Cricket Head Coach Chris Scott and Global T20 Franchise & Chance to Shine Street Coach Donovan Miller shared insight, knowledge and information in how best to assist developing young players from the teenage age group in to adulthood. The Webinar was joined by 40 people via Zoom

• Thursday 4 June, 12pm – Writing an Article for Website and Local Papers
30 people logged in the Daily Mail Cricket Correspondent, Paul Newman and Local Paper, Recorder Newspapers Sports Editor, Lee Power webinar on how clubs can grow their media presence by writing reports for websites and the local press.

• Thursday 11 June (5pm) – Creating a Club Development Plan
• Tuesday 16 June (12pm) – Wider Community Engagement
• Thursday 18 June (5pm) – Women and Girls
• Tuesday 23 June (12pm) – Ability Cricket
• Thursday 25 June (5pm) – Grounds Update
• Tuesday 30 June (12pm) – Tape Ball Cricket, Crickets New Opportunity
Past Webinars:
• Thursday 23 April, 5pm – Club Development and Funding
48 members of clubs and leagues across Essex, Cambridgeshire, Huntingdonshire and Bedfordshire logged in to the first virtual presentation on Club Development and Funding which was delivered by ECB’s Duncan Jenkinson and Essex Cricket’s Graham Pryke.

Listen to the Webinar:
• Tuesday 28 April 12pm – Volunteering and Safeguarding
46 members of clubs and leagues across Essex, Cambridgeshire, Huntingdonshire and Bedfordshire logged in to the first virtual presentation on Volunteering and Safeguarding which was delivered by Essex Cricket’s County Welfare Officer and Director of Cricket Operations.
• Thursday 30 April, 5pm – Grounds Maintenance
Essex Cricket’s Head Groundsman, Stuart Kerrison and Grounds Management Associations Regional Pitch Advisor, Phil Jeggo shared insight and good practices as well as answering questions on Grounds Maintenance, 66 members of clubs and leagues across Essex, Cambridgeshire, Huntingdonshire and Bedfordshire logged in.
• Tuesday 5 May, 12pm – Women and Girls
33 members of clubs and leagues across Essex, Cambridgeshire, Huntingdonshire and Bedfordshire logged in to the webinar on Women and Girls cricket delivered by Essex Cricket’s Head of Women and Girls Cricket, Natalie Samaranayake and Families Co-ordinator, Claire Smith.
• Thursday 7 May, 5pm -Youth Cricket and Player Pathway
79 members of clubs and leagues across Essex, Cambridgeshire, Huntingdonshire and Bedfordshire were giving insight on the strategy and process in place when it comes to Youth Cricket and Pathway. Cricket Operations Director, Dan Feist shared the framework, Academy Director Barry Hyam explained in detail of how the programmes are developed and players are progressed and Men’s Head Coach Anthony McGrath bought the whole journey, pathway and philosophy together in sharing the clubs values what it takes to be a first XI professional cricketer.

Listen to the Webinar:
• Tuesday 12 May, 12pm Scoring and Umpiring
Essex born and professional umpire Neil Bainton was joined by Essex ACO Chair Paul Brice with 41 logged in to the call. Neil share his journey from playing Junior and Recreational Cricket to working his way into the professional umpiring, one of the first non-first class cricketers to do so. Paul shared the structure in place for anyone wishing to become an umpire or scorer.
• Thursday 14 May, 5pm – Marketing and Commercial activation
Essex Cricket’s Marketing and Communication Manager Ashley Neave, Commercial Manager Darrell Fox were joined by Queenie Porter who was representing one of the club sponsors (and webinar partner) WOW Hydrate. 26 people logged-in to understand how the Club works collaboratively internally and with sponsors to not only identify but to activate a partnership. Ashley and Darrell shared good practices, tips and advice in what community cricket clubs can do to engage with new and existing sponsors as well as maximising digital and media platforms to have a good presence. Wow Hydrate also shared an incredible offer, but you will have to watch the webinar to find out more…
Listen to the Webinar:
• Tuesday 19 May, 12pm – Coach Education
Head of Cricket Development at Cambridgeshire Cricket, Ben Wallis was joined by Upminster Cricket Clubs Lead Club Coach, Scott Simmons and Essex Cricket’s Director of Cricket Operations Dan Feist who shared an update on the current situation with Coached Education, future plans on Coaching Courses. Scott shared an insight on what he is doing with Juniors at Upminster to keep them members active through Virtual Coaching. 41 Logged in to the call.
• Thursday 21 May, 5pm – ECB Guidelines on Net Usage
After ECB’s Guidance on net usage on 15 May, ECiC arranged this webinar to guide clubs and parks with net. The capacity of 100 people was snapped up seconds into it going live. Essex Cricket’s Director of Cricket Operations Dan Feist was joined by ECB’s Interim Regional Head of Operations, Essex Crickets County Welfare Officer, Phil Knappett and Wanstead & Snaresbrook Cricket Club Chairman, Martin Pluck. Matt set the tone with a run through the guidance, Phil shared good safeguarding practices and Martin shared the work his cricket have did over the weekend to open their nets up for their members.
• Tuesday 26 May, 12pm – Applying for Funding Usage
With Leagues, Clubs & Community partners constantly reviewing their cash flows and funding opportunities, Essex Cricket’s Claire Smith and Active Essex’s Lee Monk were joined by 29 people via zoom to give insight on key tips, advice, guidance when applying for funding.
Good News
ECB Funding:
To date over £1.5M has been received from Governments Small Business Grant, Sport England Grant, ECB Grants and Loans to date. If your club or league is applicable and have not applied for any of the funding pots then please find links on the Funding and Financial Support section.
Alternative Cricket Tea:
Good luck to Rainham CC who are doing their Alternative Cricket Team this weekend.
A big thanks to the following clubs who already hosted an event, plus those continuing to help their local Foodbanks through the Alternative Cricket Teas.
• Colchester
• Gt Totham
• Barking
• Brentwood
• Scintilla
• Harold Wood
• Upminster
• Essex Cricket
• Wanstead & Snaresbrook
• Old Chelmsfordians
• Rainham
• West Mersea
If you would like some assistance on hosting your own Alternative Cricket Tea, then please feel to get in touch with us.
Call to the Cricket Community:
Have you, or any one in your cricket community represented Essex at age-group level? If so, you may have noticed that Cliff Greenhill has been uploading historic scorecards on to the www.essex.play-cricket.com
Cliff is seeking any old scoresheets or scorebooks you may have so he can insert them to the Play-Cricket database.
Get in contact via email – [email protected]
Case Study of the Week:
The Alternative Cricket Tea:
Since we last communicated, a number of clubs have registered or even ran an Alternative Cricket Tea. Fantastic effort. Good luck to all running one over the weekend.
Recreational Cricket Update
‘APG 6 Balls to Help Restart Cricket’
As agreed at the Essex Cricket in the Community Adult Participation Group (“APG”) Meeting on 29 April 2020.
All leagues understand the challenges facing recreational cricket at this time.
Although many of the concerns that all leagues, clubs and players are facing at the moment cannot yet be answered, the APG has agreed on the following points to help clubs plan for the future and to give cricket the best chance to return when/if possible in 2020.
1. All leagues agree that their number one priority is to help reactivate play at their member clubs. Be that through their standard league set-up or helping to support creative ways of getting games played.
2. All leagues agree that there will be a period of time between the current lockdown being relaxed and the league season beginning: this is to ensure that grounds and facilities can be got ready for appropriate use. Recommended between 2-5 weeks: leagues to consult their clubs.
3. All leagues agree that there will be no league cricket before July 01 2020.
4. League fixtures and length of season:
• Leagues will try to use the fixtures already produced for their leagues.
• League games to be played on the usual day for that league e.g. Saturday League games not being played on Sundays and vice versa.
• Leagues to consider extending the season deeper into September and October by organising games/competitions at these times with clubs that are able to field teams and at grounds that are available.
5. All leagues agree that there will be no promotion or relegation between divisions for the 2020 season.
6. Penalties: All leagues agree that clubs will not face financial or points penalties for failing to fulfill fixtures, pulling out of divisions or other such offences that are due to the current Covid-19 Pandemic.
The APG will also continue to work with Essex Cricket in the Community, the ECB and Government to update leagues and their member clubs on any announcements or decisions around risk, hygiene and social distancing concerning the playing and organising of cricket.
Kind Regards from:
THE ECiC Adult Participation Group, Made up off all leagues across Essex.
SNEL, EAPL, H&EBL, ECCL, T Rippon, Two Counties, North Essex, Essex Sunday, NCL, EDCL, BSL, GMCL, LCL, LSL, E&MCL, BCL, GLCL, BTCL, LUCL, Warsop Sunday League, Indoor Cricket, Women Cricket Leagues.
Phil Knappett Essex County Welfare Officer: [email protected]
• To apply for a DBS
Anyone who needs a DBS they should email: [email protected]
• Renewal of DBS
If you have received an email to say you need to renew your application please complete all the stages in the email you receive.
• Verification
Each Tuesday from 2:30 until 3:30 pm or Friday between 11am and 12pm. Please ring on 07717728725 via Face Time. If you have all your documents ready it will only take a minute or two.
If you work for the NHS /Caring professions/ vital worker under this present lockdown situation and you cannot make these times please contact Phil to arrange an alternative one.
Club Welfare Officer Training:
The ECB Safeguarding Team will from next week start to send out invitations to online Safe Hands webinars to be run in place of face to face courses. Courses will use Zoom which works best through a desktop computer or a laptop, rather than a mobile phone.
• Existing CWO’s
Registered Club Welfare Officers will receive instructions via email from the ECB Safeguarding Team. Various dates and times will be released on a rolling basis. When you receive your invitation from the ECB, please forward your confirmation for our records. If you were booked onto our Safe Hands course at Chelmsford on 29 April, you will hopefully receive your invitation soon.
There are two versions of the course…
For registered Club Welfare Officers whose qualification expires between March and August 2020 and have not attended a Safe Hands course for three years, the ECB Safeguarding Team will use their database to send out an invitation by email.
• New CWO’s
Clubs should email me the following details of newly appointed Club Welfare Officers who have never been booked onto a Safe Hands course.
Subject of email — Request for CWO Safe Hands training:
1. Club Welfare Officer name
2. Club Welfare Officer email address
3. Club
Phil Knappett will forward to the ECB and this will generate an invitation to the online Safe Hands webinar.
Club Welfare Officers who have not completed a Safeguarding and Protecting Children course in the last three years should complete the online Safeguarding Young Cricketers course. The ECB will send out an access email to complete this course. If you have a UK Coaching Safeguarding and Protecting certificate or the ECB online course as part of a Coach Education course that will suffice.
The qualification will be valid for 12 months, as this is an interim measure while no face-to-face courses are able to run. After 12 months, Club Welfare Officers will need to attend a face-to-face Safe Hands course as they usually would.
When newly qualified CWO’s have completed the required courses, they should log on to at least one of the Essex Cricket Safeguarding weekly Zoom meetings.
Zoom Welfare Officers Support Meeting each Tuesday at 4pm to get further updates and ask any questions.
To join click on link below just before 4pm.
Meeting ID: 850 192 8999
Password: 6ecwo4
Club Development Plan
With the updates announced by Sport England and the ECB, we advise that clubs and leagues to work up contingency plans covering various eventualities. We also suggest that they should develop, or where appropriate update, their development plans – including a way forward – and perhaps include a financial assessment of the club’s current and estimated future position, with a comparison to the past three seasons. Projected cash flow will be particularly crucial.
Please do consider how your club can stay relevant and in people’s minds in the local community through online games/videos, members webinars…
Through consultation with a number of stakeholders, ECiC has taken the decision to amend the affiliation fee for ALL clubs to a £20 deposit which will be reviewed again at the end of September. As in previous years a percentage of this amount will be retained by the local Cricket Participation Group to support junior cricket development. Please inform clubs in your league and it will be communicated and processed up the chain.
Affiliation fees ensure the provision of support for clubs from ECiC and the ECB. If your league or club has not affiliated in the past and you wish to do so, then please make contact with your regional/district contact in the first instance.
During Tuesday evenings APG meeting, a number of leagues will not be invoicing clubs until they have a clearer picture of the season. We ask all our leagues to consider if this is a workable option for them, too. If you have other suppliers who have invoiced you for supplies, kit etc it would be sensible to contact them to discuss the situation.
Councils & Landlords
We recommend that each club in your league makes contact with their landlords and discusses the possibility of a rent holiday and/or reduction. We are keen for updates to be shared with your respective Essex Cricket contact.
Grounds Maintenance
On Friday 29 May, the Grounds Maintenance Associaiton (GMS) released the following guidance on Recreational and grassroots playing facilities – Here
The Institute of Groundsmen (IOG) on 02 April provided the latest guidelines and specifications for cricket grounds maintenance, respecting the Governments current guidelines – Here
An update on guidance for groundsmen and women can found here: https://essexcricket.org.uk/2020/03/26/guidance-for-groundsmen-thursday-26-march/
Indoor/Outdoor Nets
In line with the ECB statement on 15 May, the ECB maintains the position that all recreational cricket remains suspended until further notice, with the sole exception of the use of outdoor cricket facilities (nets and pitches) for the purpose of undertaking exercise as set out in the detailed guidance document, available – Here
Overseas Players
Do contact them and their agents as the situation obviously will alter their plans.
Online Cricket Games/Activities
We have been updating our platforms to show activities that individuals and/or families can take part in whilst at home; these can be located via:
• Website: www.essexcricket.org.uk
• Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EssexCCB/
• Twitter: www.twitter.com/EssexCCB
• Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/essexcricketcommunity/
Online Courses
Online Umpiring Course: A great opportunity to hone in and on your journey of becoming an umpire: https://www.ecb.co.uk/be-involved/officials/find-a-course/Umpiring-courses
Ground Management Association (GMA): An online course is available with the GMA and you can find out more – Here
All Stars Cricket/Dynamos
The ECB have suspended All Stars Cricket and Dynamo Cricket until further notice. However as recently communicated by the ECB, ASC Packs and games at home will be posted out shortly to all that have registered. – more information
The ECB has launched its new Dynamos Cricket app, launching in iOS and Android stores.
This brand new app is part of the ECB’s Dynamos Cricket programme aimed at inspiring 8-11 year olds to play cricket, learn new skills and fall in love with the game. The app is the perfect platform for children to do just this at home and has been tailored to suit all children aged 8+ years.
Packed full of features, it is designed both for children who have never played cricket before, as well as those looking to build on what they already know.
The 18 different skills videos and interactive quizzes provide lots of ways for children to get active at home, even with minimal space and equipment.
Download the free Dynamos Cricket app today and share with your friends and family too!
Spike in Vandalism
Despite the crisis, certain people out there are still adding to the misery by breaking into clubs and stealing.
We have been made aware that one club has had non-turf matting stolen, twice from their outdoor nets. Two other Clubs have had their Gator and Tractor stolen. If members are visiting their club as part of their daily exercise then please try to be as vigilant as possible.
Youth Participation Group (YPG)
The YPG met via the virtual world, here is an update regarding Youth Cricket: https://essexcricket.org.uk/2020/04/07/youth-participation-update/
Active Essex Webinar
Organised by Active Essex, Essex Cricket amongst a number of NGB’s shared, discussed and debated a number of factors. The group will meet again in a few weeks’ time to ensure a cross-sport discussion with the focus of keeping our communities as active as possible and supporting young people.
The group also discussed funding and the following two links were signposted as a guide outside of the Sport England, ECB and Government funding.
and finally…
Most importantly it is clear that we want everyone to look after their own health and that of their members; this is the main priority of all.
In line with Government guidance, Essex Cricket in the Community staff as of Wednesday 18 March are working from home. Wherever possible, the team will continue to give support and will continue to provide updates as often as necessary.