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Recreational Season Update – Friday 29 May

Revised article updated: Friday 29 May, 5:00pm

Article first released: Thursday 26 March, 10:00am

Recreational Cricket Update

• Dan Feist – Cricket Operations – [email protected]
• Graham Pryke – Leagues and Clubs, Lead on Funding – [email protected]
• Natalie Samaranayake – Women & Girls, Youth – [email protected]
• Phil Knappett – Safeguarding and on-line courses – [email protected]
• Arfan Akram – East London Clubs and Leagues – [email protected]

A message from Dan Feist, Head of Cricket Operations, Essex Cricket
“In these unprecedented times it is fundamental that we first acknowledge the role we can all play in supporting each other to be safe, but once some form of normality starts to return, the role of Clubs as a Community Hub to spark excitement and engagement for all is going to be more important than ever before.

“Throughout history, Cricket Clubs have provided a united and reliable place for the community to come together and it has been great to see and hear so many positive stories about how this is continuing, despite the current situation. The news this week about the financial support that will be available for Clubs alongside other government initiatives comes at a welcome time for all.

“We will be now working with Clubs across the County to make sure they have all the support they need to ensure that they can continue to support their local community and remain a vital part of the wider Essex Cricket family.”

Latest ECB Update

On Thursday 28 May, the ECB provided an update on Domestic and Recreational cricket, the full statement can be found – Here

Last night the government confirmed that groups of six can meet outside from Monday 1 June, provided people from different households observe social distancing (staying 2m apart). This applies to England, with the First Minister of Wales today announcing that people from two different households in the same local area can meet outside.

While this is good news, it is not an immediate ‘go’ for organised team sports. We are having discussions with Sport England and DCMS about what this means specifically for cricket, to then understand how we can support our clubs to initiate plans to get people back playing cricket.

Yesterday ECB published guidance for the professional domestic season, which will not restart before Aug 1.

Recreational cricket will work to a different timeline, but one that again will be guided by changes to Government advice. We continue to work with DCMS to see its phased return, and it is our hope that we can provide opportunities to play to everyone this summer.

For now, the recreational game remains suspended with no cricket to be played with the sole exception of in England, the ability to use outdoor cricket facilities (nets and pitches) for the purpose of undertaking exercise. You can access this guidance here.

Like all fans of cricket we wish to see our players from every part of the game, safely return to the field as soon as possible. With the brilliant spell of weather we have enjoyed lately, we too understand the immense frustration an absence of play is causing. Thank you all for your patience, as we alongside everyone else in society, abide by the timelines we have been given by Government.

You can view the information from the ECB’s Q&A session – Here

The update on the recreational game reads as follows:

“The recreational game currently remains suspended until further notice – with the sole exception of the use of outdoor cricket facilities (nets and pitches) for the purpose of undertaking exercise. The ECB will seek to progress discussions with the UK Government to begin mapping out a return, including the potential for an earlier return of junior cricket.”

Current Government Advice

All the latest details can be found via:

Funding & Financial Support

Information on the ECB’s Leagues Loan is now available: Here

Further to ECB’s announcement on 31 March, today the ECB announced its Loan and Grant Scheme.

The Grant has been launched as the final resort so we would, therefore, encourage all Clubs and Leagues to ensure they have applied for the following first:

1. Government’s Local Authority Small Business Grant. For more information – click here
2. The ECB Loan scheme – click here
3. The ECB Grant – click

Please also consider visiting the following resources;

ECiC Guidance

ECiC has put together the following guidance that member clubs are recommended to act on.

Call to the Cricket Community:

We have been asked by ECB to encourage individuals in your club to register for Play Cricket if they are not already. The ECB want to start reaching as many individuals as possible and this is a great additional method.

COVID-10 Webinars

We hope you enjoyed the first series of webinars and plans are now in place for a second series of useful resource sessions. Please find the list of new zoom webinars below and if there are any additional topics you would like to be covered then please get in touch!

Future Webinars:

• Tuesday 2 June (12pm) – Developing Players in Nets and Engaging the Transition Between Teens to Adults.
• Thursday 4 June (5pm) – Writing an Article for Website and Local Papers.
• Thursday 11 June (5pm) – Creating a Club Development Plan
• Tuesday 16 June (12pm) – Wider Community Engagement
• Thursday 18 June (5pm) – Women and Girls
• Tuesday 23 June (12pm) – Ability Cricket
• Thursday 25 June (5pm) – Grounds Update
• Tuesday 30 June (12pm) – Tape Ball Cricket, Crickets New Opportunity

Past Webinars:

Thursday 23 April, 5pm – Club Development and Funding

48 members of clubs and leagues across Essex, Cambridgeshire, Huntingdonshire and Bedfordshire logged in to the first virtual presentation on Club Development and Funding which was delivered by ECB’s Duncan Jenkinson and Essex Cricket’s Graham Pryke.

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Listen to the Webinar:


Tuesday 28 April 12pm – Volunteering and Safeguarding

46 members of clubs and leagues across Essex, Cambridgeshire, Huntingdonshire and Bedfordshire logged in to the first virtual presentation on Volunteering and Safeguarding which was delivered by Essex Cricket’s County Welfare Officer and Director of Cricket Operations.

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Listen to the Webinar:


Thursday 30 April, 5pm – Grounds Maintenance

Essex Cricket’s Head Groundsman, Stuart Kerrison and Grounds Management Associations Regional Pitch Advisor, Phil Jeggo shared insight and good practices as well as answering questions on Grounds Maintenance, 66 members of clubs and leagues across Essex, Cambridgeshire, Huntingdonshire and Bedfordshire logged in.

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Listen to the Webinar:

• Tuesday 5 May, 12pm – Women and Girls

33 members of clubs and leagues across Essex, Cambridgeshire, Huntingdonshire and Bedfordshire logged in to the webinar on Women and Girls cricket delivered by Essex Cricket’s Head of Women and Girls Cricket, Natalie Samaranayake and Families Co-ordinator, Claire Smith.

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Listen to the Webinar:

• Thursday 7 May, 5pm -Youth Cricket and Player Pathway

79 members of clubs and leagues across Essex, Cambridgeshire, Huntingdonshire and Bedfordshire were giving insight on the strategy and process in place when it comes to Youth Cricket and Pathway. Cricket Operations Director, Dan Feist shared the framework, Academy Director Barry Hyam explained in detail of how the programmes are developed and players are progressed and Men’s Head Coach Anthony McGrath bought the whole journey, pathway and philosophy together in sharing the clubs values what it takes to be a first XI professional cricketer.

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Listen to the Webinar:

• Tuesday 12 May, 12pm Scoring and Umpiring

Essex born and professional umpire Neil Bainton was joined by Essex ACO Chair Paul Brice with 41 logged in to the call. Neil share his journey from playing Junior and Recreational Cricket to working his way into the professional umpiring, one of the first non-first class cricketers to do so. Paul shared the structure in place for anyone wishing to become an umpire or scorer.

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Listen to the Webinar:


• Thursday 14 May, 5pm – Marketing and Commercial activation

Essex Cricket’s Marketing and Communication Manager Ashley Neave, Commercial Manager Darrell Fox were joined by Queenie Porter who was representing one of the club sponsors (and webinar partner) WOW Hydrate. 26 people logged-in to understand how the Club works collaboratively internally and with sponsors to not only identify but to activate a partnership. Ashley and Darrell shared good practices, tips and advice in what community cricket clubs can do to engage with new and existing sponsors as well as maximising digital and media platforms to have a good presence. Wow Hydrate also shared an incredible offer, but you will have to watch the webinar to find out more…


Listen to the Webinar:

• Tuesday 19 May, 12pm – Coach Education

Head of Cricket Development at Cambridgeshire Cricket, Ben Wallis was joined by Upminster Cricket Clubs Lead Club Coach, Scott Simmons and Essex Cricket’s Director of Cricket Operations Dan Feist who shared an update on the current situation with Coached Education, future plans on Coaching Courses. Scott shared an insight on what he is doing with Juniors at Upminster to keep them members active through Virtual Coaching. 41 Logged in to the call.


• Thursday 21 May, 5pm – ECB Guidelines on Net Usage

After ECB’s Guidance on net usage on 15 May, ECiC arranged this webinar to guide clubs and parks with net. The capacity of 100 people was snapped up seconds into it going live. Essex Cricket’s Director of Cricket Operations Dan Feist was joined by ECB’s Interim Regional Head of Operations, Essex Crickets County Welfare Officer, Phil Knappett and Wanstead & Snaresbrook Cricket Club Chairman, Martin Pluck. Matt set the tone with a run through the guidance, Phil shared good safeguarding practices and Martin shared the work his cricket have did over the weekend to open their nets up for their members.


• Tuesday 26 May, 12pm – Applying for Funding Usage

With Leagues, Clubs & Community partners constantly reviewing their cash flows and funding opportunities, Essex Cricket’s Claire Smith and Active Essex’s Lee Monk were joined by 29 people via zoom to give insight on key tips, advice, guidance when applying for funding.


Good News

ECB Funding:

To date over £1.3M has been received from Governments Small Business Grant, Sport England Grant, ECB Grants and Loans to date. If your club or league is applicable and have not applied for any of the funding pots then please find links on the Funding and Financial Support section.

Alternative Cricket Tea:

Good luck to Rainham CC who are doing their Alternative Cricket Team this weekend.

A big thanks to the following clubs who already hosted an event, plus those continuing to help their local Foodbanks through the Alternative Cricket Teas.

• Colchester
• Gt Totham
• Barking
• Brentwood
• Scintilla
• Harold Wood
• Upminster
• Essex Cricket
• Wanstead & Snaresbrook
• Old Chelmsfordians

If you would like some assistance on hosting your own Alternative Cricket Tea, then please feel to get in touch with us.

Call to the Cricket Community:

Have you, or any one in your cricket community represented Essex at age-group level? If so, you may have noticed that Cliff Greenhill has been uploading historic scorecards on to the

Cliff is seeking any old scoresheets or scorebooks you may have so he can insert them to the Play-Cricket database.

Get in contact via email – [email protected]

Case Study of the Week:

As we reflect on the amazing work that clubs and community partners continue to do in these times of uncertainty, the ECB have captured this by a short video called cricket family is ‘Together in this Test’ during lockdown.

We are pleased to have jointly launched this new campaign on Thursday and further information can be found – Here.

The ECB have also captured a snippet in what clubs been doing up and down the country and a couple of the many incredible initiatives were highlighted on the ECB website:

Recreational Cricket Update

‘APG 6 Balls to Help Restart Cricket’

As agreed at the Essex Cricket in the Community Adult Participation Group (“APG”) Meeting on 29 April 2020.

All leagues understand the challenges facing recreational cricket at this time.

Although many of the concerns that all leagues, clubs and players are facing at the moment cannot yet be answered, the APG has agreed on the following points to help clubs plan for the future and to give cricket the best chance to return when/if possible in 2020.

1. All leagues agree that their number one priority is to help reactivate play at their member clubs. Be that through their standard league set-up or helping to support creative ways of getting games played.
2. All leagues agree that there will be a period of time between the current lockdown being relaxed and the league season beginning: this is to ensure that grounds and facilities can be got ready for appropriate use. Recommended between 2-5 weeks: leagues to consult their clubs.
3. All leagues agree that there will be no league cricket before July 01 2020.
4. League fixtures and length of season:
• Leagues will try to use the fixtures already produced for their leagues.
• League games to be played on the usual day for that league e.g. Saturday League games not being played on Sundays and vice versa.
• Leagues to consider extending the season deeper into September and October by organising games/competitions at these times with clubs that are able to field teams and at grounds that are available.
5. All leagues agree that there will be no promotion or relegation between divisions for the 2020 season.
6. Penalties: All leagues agree that clubs will not face financial or points penalties for failing to fulfill fixtures, pulling out of divisions or other such offences that are due to the current Covid-19 Pandemic.

The APG will also continue to work with Essex Cricket in the Community, the ECB and Government to update leagues and their member clubs on any announcements or decisions around risk, hygiene and social distancing concerning the playing and organising of cricket.

Kind Regards from:
THE ECiC Adult Participation Group, Made up off all leagues across Essex.
SNEL, EAPL, H&EBL, ECCL, T Rippon, Two Counties, North Essex, Essex Sunday, NCL, EDCL, BSL, GMCL, LCL, LSL, E&MCL, BCL, GLCL, BTCL, LUCL, Warsop Sunday League, Indoor Cricket, Women Cricket Leagues.


To apply for a DBS
Anyone who needs a DBS they should email: [email protected]

Renewal of DBS
If you have received an email to say you need to renew your application please complete all the stages in the email you receive.

Each Tuesday from 2:30 until 3:30 pm or Friday between 11.00 and 12.00pm. Please ring on 07717728725 via Face Time. If you have all your documents ready it will only take a minute or two.

If you work for the NHS /Caring professions/ vital worker under this present lockdown situation and you cannot make these times please contact me to arrange an alternative one.

DBS Verification
Phil Knappett has allocated two times each week to be in the office and be logged onto the ECB verifying site.

Every Tuesday from 2:30pm until 3:30pm or Friday between 11am-12pm. Please do not ring outside those times and it will be appreciated if you would confirm via email when you would like to complete the verification process.

If you work for the NHS/Carer or through shifts supporting them, please email me to organise a convenient time.

Please ensure that you have all the documents you used with you to complete you DBS online form.

You can contact Phil within the dedicated hours on 07717728725 via Face time.

Documentation numbers you have submitted will be required. Please remember which documents you used and have them available so you can present them from your screen. Please do not photograph or scan the information.

Regular Welfare Catch-Up Meeting

Phil Knappett is inviting you to Essex Cricket CWO’s Online Zoom meeting

Weekly Club Welfare Officer’s Zoom meeting – To raise any Safe Hands issue, Covid clarification or other support.

Topic: Essex Cricket CWO’s Zoom Meeting
Time: 4pm to 4:30pm each Tuesday.

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 850 192 8999
Password: 6ecwo4

*Please note change of password

Safeguarding – Please visit the safeguarding page for latest update on the following:
• Club Support -Safeguarding and Protecting Children
• Join Zoom Welfare Support Meeting every Tuesday at 4pm to get further updates and ask any questions.
• Safehands
• Social Media
• Zoom Video Conferencing
• Checklist for clubs running an online Zoom coaching session
• Club Welfare Officer Letter

Phil Knappett Essex County Welfare Officer: [email protected]

Club Development Plan
With the updates announced by Sport England and the ECB, we advise that clubs and leagues to work up contingency plans covering various eventualities. We also suggest that they should develop, or where appropriate update, their development plans – including a way forward – and perhaps include a financial assessment of the club’s current and estimated future position, with a comparison to the past three seasons. Projected cash flow will be particularly crucial.

Please do consider how your club can stay relevant and in people’s minds in the local community through online games/videos, members webinars…

Through consultation with a number of stakeholders, ECiC has taken the decision to amend the affiliation fee for ALL clubs to a £20 deposit which will be reviewed again at the end of September. As in previous years a percentage of this amount will be retained by the local Cricket Participation Group to support junior cricket development. Please inform clubs in your league and it will be communicated and processed up the chain.

Affiliation fees ensure the provision of support for clubs from ECiC and the ECB. If your league or club has not affiliated in the past and you wish to do so, then please make contact with your regional/district contact in the first instance.

During Tuesday evenings APG meeting, a number of leagues will not be invoicing clubs until they have a clearer picture of the season. We ask all our leagues to consider if this is a workable option for them, too. If you have other suppliers who have invoiced you for supplies, kit etc it would be sensible to contact them to discuss the situation.

Councils & Landlords
We recommend that each club in your league makes contact with their landlords and discusses the possibility of a rent holiday and/or reduction. We are keen for updates to be shared with your respective Essex Cricket contact.

Grounds Maintenance

The Institute of Groundsmen (IOG) on 02 April provided the latest guidelines and specifications for cricket grounds maintenance, respecting the Governments current guidelines – view here

An update on guidance for groundsmen and women can found here:

Indoor/Outdoor Nets
In line with the ECB statement on 15 May, the ECB maintains the position that all recreational cricket remains suspended until further notice, with the sole exception of the use of outdoor cricket facilities (nets and pitches) for the purpose of undertaking exercise as set out in the detailed guidance document, available – Here

Overseas Players
Do contact them and their agents as the situation obviously will alter their plans.

Online Cricket Games/Activities
We have been updating our platforms to show activities that individuals and/or families can take part in whilst at home; these can be located via:
• Website:
• Facebook:
• Twitter:
• Instagram:

Online Courses

Online Umpiring Course: A great opportunity to hone in and on your journey of becoming an umpire:

Ground Management Association (GMA): An online course is available with the GMA and you can find out more – Here

All Stars Cricket/Dynamos
The ECB have suspended All Stars Cricket and Dynamo Cricket until further notice. However as recently communicated by the ECB, ASC Packs and games at home will be posted out shortly to all that have registered. – more information

The ECB has launched its new Dynamos Cricket app, launching in iOS and Android stores.

This brand new app is part of the ECB’s Dynamos Cricket programme aimed at inspiring 8-11 year olds to play cricket, learn new skills and fall in love with the game. The app is the perfect platform for children to do just this at home and has been tailored to suit all children aged 8+ years.

Packed full of features, it is designed both for children who have never played cricket before, as well as those looking to build on what they already know.

The 18 different skills videos and interactive quizzes provide lots of ways for children to get active at home, even with minimal space and equipment.

Download the free Dynamos Cricket app today and share with your friends and family too!

Spike in Vandalism
Despite the crisis, certain people out there are still adding to the misery by breaking into clubs and stealing.

We have been made aware that one club has had non-turf matting stolen, twice from their outdoor nets. Two other Clubs have had their Gator and Tractor stolen. If members are visiting their club as part of their daily exercise then please try to be as vigilant as possible.

Youth Participation Group (YPG)
The YPG met via the virtual world, here is an update regarding Youth Cricket:

Active Essex Webinar
Organised by Active Essex, Essex Cricket amongst a number of NGB’s shared, discussed and debated a number of factors. The group will meet again in a few weeks’ time to ensure a cross-sport discussion with the focus of keeping our communities as active as possible and supporting young people.

The group also discussed funding and the following two links were signposted as a guide outside of the Sport England, ECB and Government funding.

and finally…

Most importantly it is clear that we want everyone to look after their own health and that of their members; this is the main priority of all.


In line with Government guidance, Essex Cricket in the Community staff as of Wednesday 18 March are working from home. Wherever possible, the team will continue to give support and will continue to provide updates as often as necessary.

DeVines Magic Moments: May

Here’s your chance to look back again at the 2019 season with our DeVines Magic Moments poll! Each month you will have the opportunity to vote for the best plays from the year from a host of contenders with the winner announced the following week across the Club’s social media channels and website!

In April we looked back at the best catch of the year, with Ryan ten Doeschate’s keepy-up catch with Adam Wheater claiming the top spot! This month we’re looking at centuries and Head Coach Anthony McGrath has selected his favourite four from last season for you to choose from.

Watch the video to see the nominees plus a chance to hear from Mags with an insight into the game and what each century meant to the outcome of the match.

Special thanks to DeVines for their continued support as long-term partners of the Club.

Lawrence Named In England Back-To-Training Group

Dan Lawrence has been named in the ECB group of men’s players who have been asked to return to training, as England Men prepare for the prospect of behind-closed-doors cricket, subject to UK Government clearance.

The 22-year-old was in fine form for Essex throughout 2019, as well as the for England Lions during their tour of Australia earlier this year, where he averaged 63 in white-ball cricket and 122 in red-ball.

ECB Performance Director Mo Bobat said: “It’s really pleasing to be in a position to have players returning to training and a huge amount of work has been done by many to get us this far. The pool of players will give selectors strong options when it comes to selecting squads across formats further down the line, as we move closer to our aim of playing international cricket this summer.

“We will need to continue to work closely with our medical team and government to ensure that our return to training and play activities are in line with best-practice guidelines. We’re also really grateful for the positive and collaborative response from our county colleagues who are doing a great job at facilitating coaching and support for the players. The fact that we can call on our network to support the national effort shows the strength of our system.”


The England & Wales Cricket Board (ECB) can today confirm a further delay to the start of the professional domestic cricket season, with no domestic cricket to be played before August 1.

The specifics of the season remain subject to ongoing advice from UK Government and health experts, but the ambition remains to host domestic men’s and women’s cricket across England and Wales later this summer.

The Professional Game Group (PGG) will look to outline a number of opportunities for domestic play, which will be presented to the ECB Board in June. These plans include a number of options for both red-ball and white-ball cricket including matches played at all first-class grounds, the use of a regional group model as well as consideration for matches played behind closed doors or with a limited number of supporters whilst strictly adhering to UK Government guidance on social distancing. The working group is also exploring options where non-televised games can be live streamed for members and supporters.

As the ongoing COVID-19 situation continues to evolve, these scenarios will be worked on and assessed. Learnings from the return-to-training programmes for England Men’s players will be incorporated, in addition to those sourced from any international matches played behind closed doors.

The recreational game currently remains suspended until further notice – with the sole exception of the use of outdoor cricket facilities (nets and pitches) for the purpose of undertaking exercise. The ECB will seek to progress discussions with the UK Government to begin mapping out a return, including the potential for an earlier return of junior cricket.

ECB Chief Executive Officer, Tom Harrison, said: “Naturally we want to see cricket being played at every level. We remain hopeful of seeing both domestic and recreational cricket this season and planning with the PGG has allowed us to map a number of potential scenarios for domestic play. Whilst traditional formats of our competitions are the preference, we are not against exploring the unorthodox to ensure that we can return our players to the field.

“That can only happen though when it is safe, and we have said throughout this crisis that the safety and well-being of everyone involved in the game is our key priority.

“We have learned a lot and continue to learn about the safety protocols that would need to be in place to stage international cricket behind closed doors in this environment and those protocols will also need to apply to the domestic game.

“Across the recreational game it has been heart-warming to hear of clubs where players have returned to the nets. As children start returning to school in the coming weeks, we look forward to exploring how those guidelines and learnings can be deployed for cricket. This can then see the recreational game continue its phased return as soon as we have Government approval.”

Test Your Knowledge With Our Latest Essex Quiz

It’s that time of the week when you have the chance to test your Essex knowledge!

In recent weeks we’ve looked at T20 batting and bowling performances, so this time we’re seeing how much you can remember about our T20 fiedling displays. You’ve got 6 minutes to name as many of our top 25 T20 catchers as possible.

Make sure you share your score with us afterwards via our social media channels on Twitter and Facebook.

Look out for our latest quiz each week, as well as a choice of new content available soon across the Essex Cricket platforms, including classic matches, interviews and competitions.

Cult Heroes: Brian Taylor

The latest player to feature in the Cult Heroes series is one that is regarded by the Club as one of the greats. He’s our second wicket-keeper featured and leads the stats in terms of dismissals with a staggering 1,133 catches and 213 stumpings in an Essex career which spanned 24 years.

This series is supported by Allen Ford and we thank them for their continued support.

Essex Career Stats (1949-1973)
Debut: 7 May 1949 v Cambridge University (First-class friendly)
Appearances: 647
Runs: 20,076
First-Class Average: 21.92
Highest Score: 135 – 1959 v Middlesex
Centuries: 10
Fifties: 81
Catches: 1,133
Stumpings: 213

Brian Taylor was one of the most forthright and respected figures ever to wear the Essex badge, and he did so in a playing career spanning 24 years.

Born in West Ham in 1932, Brian became a regular member of the Essex first team in 1954 playing initially as a batsman before he shared wicket-keeping duties with Paul Gibb. By 1956, Taylor had established himself as the permanent wicket-keeper whilst his aggressive and cavalier batting earned him the nickname of ‘Tonker’, and was a firm favourite with the crowds.

A highly-competent performer with the gloves and attractive left-handed batsman, Brian was chosen as the ‘Young Cricketer of the Year’ in 1956 by The Cricket Writers’ Club.

A strong character who taught his charges to be professional whilst also insisting on standards of dress and fitness, Brian captained the side from 1967 until 1973, the year he retired, shaping the policy that was to prove so successful for future skipper Keith Fletcher.

Brian realised that fielding was one department where his young charges could excel and that soon became a feature of their cricket whilst he also engendered a great team spirit.

He preferred an uncomplicated approach to the game. “Too much theory is out at Essex”, he said. “True, we try to play on the weaknesses of our opponents as we see them, but I have always believed cricket, like life itself, should be simple. Only people tend to make life difficult and cricketers make cricket difficult.”

His approach as captain was also straight-forward. “Our tactics, as such, are simple,” he stated. “We try and score our runs without wasting time and our bowlers bowl as straight as they can. The fielders do their best to back them up. How many times do you see moderate bowling made to look far better than it is with catches well taken and the fielders looking dead keen?

“We see ourselves as entertainers, not professional bores, and if we can win in the process of enjoying our cricket, so much the better.”
When Taylor was made captain, the club financially was on its knees. They had lost £9,000 the previous season and their financial plight led to a swingeing cut in playing resources that reduced the playing staff to just thirteen.

Yet Taylor took on the challenge with a pragmatic attitude. “There is only one way that Essex can go and that is up,” he insisted.

He was certainly a swashbuckling figure in his day, although he is the first to admit he would have scored more runs his talent merited if he had not adopted such a buccaneer approach. His 18,239 runs from 539 first-class games, only Fletcher exceeded that number of appearances, hardly did this top-order hard-hitting batsman justice. “But I saw my job as to entertain the public not bore them to death,” he said.

He was rated good enough to earn a place on England’s tour to South Africa in 1956-57 as Godfrey Evans’ deputy, although sadly a Test cap was to elude him.

Of ‘Tonker’s’ nine first-class centuries, his unbeaten 105 in even time which earned his side victory against Gloucestershire at Clacton in 1962 was probably his best. Taylor had not been enjoying a particularly rewarding run of form and Essex were set 298 to win in four and quarter hours. They were 148 for 4 when skipper Trevor Bailey instructed Taylor, who had scored a duck in the first innings, to go in and improve the scoring tempo. One hour and 50 minutes later, Brian was unbeaten on 105 (three sixes and fifteen fours) as Essex celebrated a five wickets victory with ten minutes to spare.

His highest championship score was the 135 he took off a Middlesex attack at Lord’s in 1959.

The John Player League also provided him with some memorable innings including an outstanding exhilarating 95 from 60 balls in 55 minutes against Worcestershire whilst his 100 versus Derbyshire in the match at Buxton, where he faced 84 balls, was equally praiseworthy.

During his long and distinguished career, he reached 1,000 first-class runs in a season on eight occasions enjoying his most productive summer in 1959 when he amassed 1,837 runs.

His record of 1,231 first-class dismissals for Essex included 191 stumpings and in the 1962 season, he broke the county record for the number of wicket-keeping dismissals when he claimed 79 catches and 10 stumpings.

Brian also played soccer for Brentford, Bexleyheath and Dover and was a tough-tackling full-back who took no prisoners.

Taylor was at the helm and a father figure when the likes of John Lever, Ray East and Robin Hobbs started out on their careers.

“We owed him a lot and my only regret is that he was unable to lift a trophy when he was in charge,” said Lever. “He certainly deserved to because he pointed the way to the huge success the county later enjoyed.”

Leading all-rounder Stuart Turner who also played for many years under ‘Tonker’ echoed colleague Lever’s words. “It’s a great shame Brian Taylor did not lift the JPL trophy when he was skipper,” he said. “We came close on a few occasions under him and if ever a player deserved to hold the trophy aloft it was him.

“He did so much for Essex cricket, and I owe him a great debt. We were labelled ‘Tonker’s Tigers’ under him and that spoke volumes for the way he made us go about our business – a cavalier and professional approach that made his teams great entertainers and pointed the way for successes that were to follow.”

After calling it a day in 1973, he was elected to the panel of England Test selectors in 1973-1974 and later became heavily involved in schools’ cricket throughout Essex.

A Club legend, Brian was 84 years old when he died in 2017.


Cricket Unites Behind Charity Auction

Signed shirts from England internationals Ben Stokes, Jofra Archer and Jack Leach are amongst the lots in an online charity cricket auction supported by all 18 first-class counties in partnership with the ECB, PCA and MCC.

A catalogue of 62 lots are now open for bidding at where cricket fans can also secure international match hospitality experiences at Lord’s, Kia Oval, Trent Bridge, Edgbaston, Emerald Headingley and Emirates Old Trafford.

Essex have offered three packages to be auctioned. Firstly, there is a unique coaching session for up to four people at The Cloudfm County Ground with Head Coach Anthony McGrath and Assistant Head Coach Andre Nel.

Next up is the 12th man package, where you can bid for the chance to become part of the squad for a Vitality Blast group match. You’ll get to join the players for the pre-match warm-up, attend the coin toss with the Captains, have photographs with the players in the dressing room and watch the game pitchside. You’ll also get 4 additional match tickets.

Lastly is the Essex Eagles Vitality Blast Champions Bundle, which includes a framed Essex Eagles shirt signed by the Vitality Blast winning squad, Double Champions Collectors’ Edition Books and 2 Vitality Blast tickets to a group match of your choice.

All lots are now open for bidding and the Essex packages are lots 59, 60 and 61 over on

The auction forms part of the Together Through This Test campaign, cricket’s co-ordinated response to Covid-19 that seeks to highlight initiatives across the professional and amateur game.

All donors have nominated a charitable cause to receive the proceeds from their lots.


Looking Back… “We’ll Keep Taking Every Game As It Comes”

This bank holiday weekend was due to mark our sixth match of the season in the County Championship and trip to Canterbury. This fixture always creates exciting matches, especially with the Battle of the Bridge honour also on the line.

Last season was no different. After moving ahead of Somerset in the previous Championship fixture just over a month earlier, the team travelled to Canterbury in high spirits after winning the previous five matches against Hampshire, Somerset Nottinghamshire, Yorkshire and Warwickshire.

With Mohammad Amir announcing that the match would be playing the final red-ball match of his career, the air of anticipation was already circulating much further afield.

Alongside Sam Cook and Jamie Porter in the bowling attack, it was ‘Little Chef’, Cook who was to produce career-best figures of 7-23 to help take the side another victory closer to that epic final showdown in Taunton.

Following the match in Canterbury, the squad faced a run of five Vitality Blast games which ended in a place at Finals Day, before an Edgbaston trip to face Warwickshire ensued. As quoted by Adam Wheater after play versus Kent, “There are three games left now and Somerset keep on winning, which is making it harder for us, but we will just keep taking every game as it comes and see where we finish.”

You can also rewatch this match alongside Sam Cook in our latest Essex Replayed feature. Head over to our YouTube channel now to view this and our other content, or follow the link – here.


Essex Replayed: Watch Along With Sam

It was a match which took our winning-streak up to six games and made supporters believe that a second Championship title in three years was a real possibility.

With the focus on Mohammad Amir playing the final red-ball game of his career, it was actually Sam Cook who produced the match-winning performance and a bowling spell which take some beating.

Career-best figures of 7-23 in the Kent second innings, after already bagging 5-42 in the first, ripped through the home side’s batting line-up to leave them 40 all out. With Kent have a first innings lead of 112 runs, this left the team with the task of requiring 152 for the win inside three days.

Sam Cook joined us in reliving that special performance by looking back on all four days in Canterbury and giving us his thoughts as the action progressed.

This latest ‘Essex Replayed’ feature is kindly supported by Cloudfm and D&B Scaffolding

You can still watch our previous Essex Replayed features including a chance to watch the Vitality Blast Final with Simon Harmer, plus our final match versus Somerset with Tom Westley and Nick Browne. Head over to our YouTube channel now to watch these and more great Essex content!



Watch: Styris Relives That Special Night in 2010

This weekend has looked back at a special match in the Club’s recent past and it’s one that lives long in the memory of Essex fans who attended The Cloudfm County Ground on Friday 25 June 2010 or watch it live on Sky Sports.

It was Scott Styris’s second match in front of the Chelmsford crowd after joining as an Overseas player for the Friends Provident T20 competition, and he instantly became a fan favourite following an unbelievable innings.

Essex Cricket TV caught up with Scott from his home in Auckland, New Zealand and part one relives that special match, which took place during the first of two stints with the Club.

You can watch extended highlights of the match now – here.

Part Two will be available on Wednesday with a chance to hear more about his time at Essex and stories about the dressing room during that time, which he spent with the likes of Ravi Bopara, James Foster and Grant Flower.