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Recreational Season Update – Friday 15 May

Revised article updated: Friday 15 May, 5:00pm

Article first released: Thursday 26 March, 10:00am

Recreational Cricket Update

• Dan Feist – Cricket Operations – [email protected]
• Graham Pryke – Leagues and Clubs, Lead on Funding – [email protected]
• Natalie Samaranayake – Women & Girls, Youth – [email protected]
• Phil Knappett – Safeguarding and on-line courses – [email protected]
• Arfan Akram – East London Clubs and Leagues – [email protected]

A message from Dan Feist, Head of Cricket Operations, Essex Cricket
“In these unprecedented times it is fundamental that we first acknowledge the role we can all play in supporting each other to be safe, but once some form of normality starts to return, the role of Clubs as a Community Hub to spark excitement and engagement for all is going to be more important than ever before.

“Throughout history, Cricket Clubs have provided a united and reliable place for the community to come together and it has been great to see and hear so many positive stories about how this is continuing, despite the current situation. The news this week about the financial support that will be available for Clubs alongside other government initiatives comes at a welcome time for all.

“We will be now working with Clubs across the County to make sure they have all the support they need to ensure that they can continue to support their local community and remain a vital part of the wider Essex Cricket family.”

Latest ECB Update

The ECB have released the following guidelines regarding the use of outdoor cricket facilities, which can viewed – Here

Current Government Advice

All the latest details can be found via:

Funding & Financial Support

Information on the ECB’s Leagues Loan is now available: Here

Further to ECB’s announcement on 31 March, today the ECB announced its Loan and Grant Scheme.

The Grant has been launched as the final resort so we would, therefore, encourage all Clubs and Leagues to ensure they have applied for the following first:

1. Government’s Local Authority Small Business Grant. For more information – click here
2. The ECB Loan scheme – click here
3. The ECB Grant – click here

Please also consider visiting the following resources;

ECiC Guidance

ECiC has put together the following guidance that member clubs are recommended to act on.

Essex Cricket Covid-19 Webinars:
A series of webinars have been organised using conferencing platform, Zoom to share thoughts from different areas of Essex Cricket. We ask you to reflect on these and think about the one thing we can do now to help grow and sustain your club while enhancing your community tomorrow.

Thursday 23 April, 5pm – Club Development and Funding

48 members of clubs and leagues across Essex, Cambridgeshire, Huntingdonshire and Bedfordshire logged in to the first virtual presentation on Club Development and Funding which was delivered by ECB’s Duncan Jenkinson and Essex Cricket’s Graham Pryke.

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Listen to the Webinar:


Tuesday 28 April 12pm – Volunteering and Safeguarding

46 members of clubs and leagues across Essex, Cambridgeshire, Huntingdonshire and Bedfordshire logged in to the first virtual presentation on Volunteering and Safeguarding which was delivered by Essex Cricket’s County Welfare Officer and Director of Cricket Operations.

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Listen to the Webinar:


Thursday 30 April, 5pm – Grounds Maintenance

Essex Cricket’s Head Groundsman, Stuart Kerrison and Grounds Management Associations Regional Pitch Advisor, Phil Jeggo shared insight and good practices as well as answering questions on Grounds Maintenance, 66 members of clubs and leagues across Essex, Cambridgeshire, Huntingdonshire and Bedfordshire logged in.

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Listen to the Webinar:

• Tuesday 5 May, 12pm – Women and Girls

33 members of clubs and leagues across Essex, Cambridgeshire, Huntingdonshire and Bedfordshire logged in to the webinar on Women and Girls cricket delivered by Essex Cricket’s Head of Women and Girls Cricket, Natalie Samaranayake and Families Co-ordinator, Claire Smith.

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Listen to the Webinar:

• Thursday 7 May, 5pm -Youth Cricket and Player Pathway

79 members of clubs and leagues across Essex, Cambridgeshire, Huntingdonshire and Bedfordshire were giving insight on the strategy and process in place when it comes to Youth Cricket and Pathway. Cricket Operations Director, Dan Feist shared the framework, Academy Director Barry Hyam explained in detail of how the programmes are developed and players are progressed and Men’s Head Coach Anthony McGrath bought the whole journey, pathway and philosophy together in sharing the clubs values what it takes to be a first XI professional cricketer.

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Listen to the Webinar:

• Tuesday 12 May, 12pm Scoring and Umpiring

Essex born and professional umpire Neil Bainton was joined by Essex ACO Chair Paul Brice with 41 logged in to the call. Neil share his journey from playing Junior and Recreational Cricket to working his way into the professional umpiring, one of the first non-first class cricketers to do so. Paul shared the structure in place for anyone wishing to become an umpire or scorer.

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Listen to the Webinar:


• Thursday 14 May, 5pm – Marketing and Commercial activation

Essex Cricket’s Marketing and Communication Manager Ashley Neave, Commercial Manager Darrell Fox were joined by Queenie Porter who was representing one of the club sponsors (and webinar partner) WOW Hydrate. 26 people logged-in to understand how the Club works collaboratively internally and with sponsors to not only identify but to activate a partnership. Ashley and Darrell shared good practices, tips and advice in what community cricket clubs can do to engage with new and existing sponsors as well as maximising digital and media platforms to have a good presence. Wow Hydrate also shared an incredible offer, but you will have to watch the webinar to find out more…


Listen to the Webinar:

• Tuesday 19 May, 12pm – Coach Education
Join Meeting – Here

Good News

To date over £1.2M has been received from Governments Small Business Grant, Sport England Grant, ECB Grants and Loans to date. If your club or league is applicable and have not applied for any of the funding pots then please find links on the Funding and Financial Support section.

Case Study of the Week: COVID-19 Cricket Tea

Plans are being finalised for an opportunity for Club across the county to take part in a united COVID-19 Cricket Tea. This is set to take place on Saturday 16 May with clubhouses and pavilions being turned into foodbanks. This is a fantastic way to support the local community by linking up with local foodbanks or homeless shelters to provide a location for people to donate food.

Marketing support will be provided by Essex Cricket to showcase as many clubs as possible who are keen to be involved with further information and literature available next week.

The Cloudfm County Ground will be joining the campaign with donations welcome from the public.

Recreational Cricket Update

‘APG 6 Balls to Help Restart Cricket’

As agreed at the Essex Cricket in the Community Adult Participation Group (“APG”) Meeting on 29 April 2020.

All leagues understand the challenges facing recreational cricket at this time.

Although many of the concerns that all leagues, clubs and players are facing at the moment cannot yet be answered, the APG has agreed on the following points to help clubs plan for the future and to give cricket the best chance to return when/if possible in 2020.

1. All leagues agree that their number one priority is to help reactivate play at their member clubs. Be that through their standard league set-up or helping to support creative ways of getting games played.
2. All leagues agree that there will be a period of time between the current lockdown being relaxed and the league season beginning: this is to ensure that grounds and facilities can be got ready for appropriate use. Recommended between 2-5 weeks: leagues to consult their clubs.
3. All leagues agree that there will be no league cricket before July 01 2020.
4. League fixtures and length of season:
• Leagues will try to use the fixtures already produced for their leagues.
• League games to be played on the usual day for that league e.g. Saturday League games not being played on Sundays and vice versa.
• Leagues to consider extending the season deeper into September and October by organising games/competitions at these times with clubs that are able to field teams and at grounds that are available.
5. All leagues agree that there will be no promotion or relegation between divisions for the 2020 season.
6. Penalties: All leagues agree that clubs will not face financial or points penalties for failing to fulfill fixtures, pulling out of divisions or other such offences that are due to the current Covid-19 Pandemic.

The APG will also continue to work with Essex Cricket in the Community, the ECB and Government to update leagues and their member clubs on any announcements or decisions around risk, hygiene and social distancing concerning the playing and organising of cricket.

Kind Regards from:
THE ECiC Adult Participation Group, Made up off all leagues across Essex.
SNEL, EAPL, H&EBL, ECCL, T Rippon, Two Counties, North Essex, Essex Sunday, NCL, EDCL, BSL, GMCL, LCL, LSL, E&MCL, BCL, GLCL, BTCL, LUCL, Warsop Sunday League, Indoor Cricket, Women Cricket Leagues.


DBS Verification
Phil Knappett has allocated two times each week to be in the office and be logged onto the ECB verifying site.

Every Tuesday from 2:30pm until 3:30pm or Friday between 11am-12pm. Please do not ring outside those times and it will be appreciated if you would confirm via email when you would like to complete the verification process.

If you work for the NHS/Carer or through shifts supporting them, please email me to organise a convenient time.

Please ensure that you have all the documents you used with you to complete you DBS online form.

You can contact Phil within the dedicated hours on 07717728725 via Face time.

Documentation numbers you have submitted will be required. Please remember which documents you used and have them available so you can present them from your screen. Please do not photograph or scan the information.

Regular Welfare Catch-Up Meeting

Phil Knappett is inviting you to Essex Cricket CWO’s Online Zoom meeting

Time: May 26, 2020 4pm then each Tuesday at the same time.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 850 192 8999
Password: 6ecwo4

*Please note change of password

Safeguarding – Please visit the safeguarding page for latest update on the following:
• Club Support -Safeguarding and Protecting Children
• Join Zoom Welfare Support Meeting every Tuesday at 4pm to get further updates and ask any questions.
• Safehands
• Social Media
• Zoom Video Conferencing
• Checklist for clubs running an online Zoom coaching session
• Club Welfare Officer Letter

Phil Knappett Essex County Welfare Officer: [email protected]

Club Development Plan
With the updates announced by Sport England and the ECB, we advise that clubs and leagues to work up contingency plans covering various eventualities. We also suggest that they should develop, or where appropriate update, their development plans – including a way forward – and perhaps include a financial assessment of the club’s current and estimated future position, with a comparison to the past three seasons. Projected cash flow will be particularly crucial.

Please do consider how your club can stay relevant and in people’s minds in the local community through online games/videos, members webinars…

Through consultation with a number of stakeholders, ECiC has taken the decision to amend the affiliation fee for ALL clubs to a £20 deposit which will be reviewed again at the end of September. As in previous years a percentage of this amount will be retained by the local Cricket Participation Group to support junior cricket development. Please inform clubs in your league and it will be communicated and processed up the chain.

Affiliation fees ensure the provision of support for clubs from ECiC and the ECB. If your league or club has not affiliated in the past and you wish to do so, then please make contact with your regional/district contact in the first instance.

During Tuesday evenings APG meeting, a number of leagues will not be invoicing clubs until they have a clearer picture of the season. We ask all our leagues to consider if this is a workable option for them, too. If you have other suppliers who have invoiced you for supplies, kit etc it would be sensible to contact them to discuss the situation.

Councils & Landlords
We recommend that each club in your league makes contact with their landlords and discusses the possibility of a rent holiday and/or reduction. We are keen for updates to be shared with your respective Essex Cricket contact.

Grounds Maintenance

The Institute of Groundsmen (IOG) on 02 April provided the latest guidelines and specifications for cricket grounds maintenance, respecting the Governments current guidelines – view here

An update on guidance for groundsmen and women can found here:

Indoor/Outdoor Nets
In line with the ECB statement on 15 May, the ECB maintains the position that all recreational cricket remains suspended until further notice, with the sole exception of the use of outdoor cricket facilities (nets and pitches) for the purpose of undertaking exercise as set out in the detailed guidance document, available – Here

Overseas Players
Do contact them and their agents as the situation obviously will alter their plans.

Online Cricket Games/Activities
We have been updating our platforms to show activities that individuals and/or families can take part in whilst at home; these can be located via:
• Website:
• Facebook:
• Twitter:
• Instagram:

Online Courses

Online Umpiring Course: A great opportunity to hone in and on your journey of becoming an umpire:

Ground Management Association (GMA): An online course is available with the GMA and you can find out more – Here

All Stars Cricket/Dynamos
The ECB have suspended All Stars Cricket and Dynamo Cricket until further notice. However as recently communicated by the ECB, ASC Packs and games at home will be posted out shortly to all that have registered. – more information

The ECB has launched its new Dynamos Cricket app, launching in iOS and Android stores.

This brand new app is part of the ECB’s Dynamos Cricket programme aimed at inspiring 8-11 year olds to play cricket, learn new skills and fall in love with the game. The app is the perfect platform for children to do just this at home and has been tailored to suit all children aged 8+ years.

Packed full of features, it is designed both for children who have never played cricket before, as well as those looking to build on what they already know.

The 18 different skills videos and interactive quizzes provide lots of ways for children to get active at home, even with minimal space and equipment.

Download the free Dynamos Cricket app today and share with your friends and family too!

Spike in Vandalism
Despite the crisis, certain people out there are still adding to the misery by breaking into clubs and stealing.

We have been made aware that one club has had non-turf matting stolen, twice from their outdoor nets. Two other Clubs have had their Gator and Tractor stolen. If members are visiting their club as part of their daily exercise then please try to be as vigilant as possible.

Youth Participation Group (YPG)
The YPG met via the virtual world, here is an update regarding Youth Cricket:

Active Essex Webinar
Organised by Active Essex, Essex Cricket amongst a number of NGB’s shared, discussed and debated a number of factors. The group will meet again in a few weeks’ time to ensure a cross-sport discussion with the focus of keeping our communities as active as possible and supporting young people.

The group also discussed funding and the following two links were signposted as a guide outside of the Sport England, ECB and Government funding.

and finally…

Most importantly it is clear that we want everyone to look after their own health and that of their members; this is the main priority of all.


In line with Government guidance, Essex Cricket in the Community staff as of Wednesday 18 March are working from home. Wherever possible, the team will continue to give support and will continue to provide updates as often as necessary.

ECB guidelines for the use of outdoor cricket facilities in lockdown

The purpose of the following guidelines is to offer practical guidance to players and clubs on the steps they should take to remain safe while undertaking exercise in an outdoor recreational venue environment.



These guidelines have been produced by the ECB in line with the UK Government guidance on public spaces, outdoor activity and exercise published on 11 May 2020.

All activity should be consistent with the Government guidance regarding health, social distancing and hygiene.

In the ECB’s ‘Our Plan to Rebuild’, the UK Government stated that team sports should not be played outside of a household.

ECB maintains the position that all recreational cricket remains suspended until further notice, with the sole exception of the use of outdoor cricket facilities (nets and pitches) for the purpose of undertaking exercise as set out in the detailed guidance document.

The primary and ongoing goal is to protect the health of everyone in and around the game.

The adjusted lockdown restrictions provide an opportunity for the use of outdoor cricket facilities (nets and pitches) for the purpose of undertaking exercise.

Summary of guidelines for outdoor cricket facilities use:

1. You can exercise outdoors on your own, with members of your household or with one other person from outside your household while keeping two metres apart at all times. You must only exercise in groups of no more than two people, unless you are exercising exclusively with members of your household.
2. Social distancing of at least two metres must be maintained at all times (unless all participants are members of the same household).
3. Only one-to-one coaching is permitted per session.
4. Nets should be used on an ‘every other’ basis, leaving one net free between nets.
5. Clubhouses can be reopened in a limited way for operational reasons (e.g. for access to first aid equipment) or for toilet access (see below) but all communal areas including bar, changing rooms etc are to remain closed for general use.
6. Toilet facilities can be opened if the venue wishes, but particular care should be taken by those using them and those cleaning them. 7. Where they are open, venues must ensure soap and water is provided.
7. No indoor activity at all.
8. We recommend using your own equipment if possible. If equipment is being shared, please follow UK Government’s guidance on the sharing of equipment.
9. No saliva or sweat should come into contact with the ball at any time.
10. Wash hands at home before and after using the outdoor facilities. Bring your own hand sanitiser where possible.

ECB is clear that outdoor facilities should only reopen if those responsible for them are ready to do so and they can do so safely, following public health guidance: no club should reopen their outdoor facilities if they feel unable to meet the requirements.

Recreational Venue

You will need to have the following in place:

• Properly maintained facilities.
• A booking system for outdoor space or other means to manage access and demand.
• The capability to advise individuals when booking to check for symptoms of COVID-19 and in turn to advise individuals when booking that – in line with current Government guidance – if they are symptomatic, living in a household with a possible COVID-19 infection or if they are classified as extremely vulnerable on health grounds, they should remain at home and follow Government guidance.
• A sanitation procedure between use/bookings.
• A representative of the club on site during the hours that the outdoor facilities are open for use.
• Closed signs should be displayed when facilities are not open (including where a club does not wish to or is not ready to reopen) to deter use by general public particularly where there is open access.
• Updated signage and access points.


For individuals, you will need to:

• Seek confirmation from the club that it has reopened and make a booking.
• Check for symptoms of COVID-19. In line with current Government guidance, if you are symptomatic, living in a household with a possible COVID-19 infection or if you are classified as extremely vulnerable on health grounds, you should remain at home and follow Government guidance.
• Avoid public transport if at all possible.

ECB has provided detailed guidance on the preparation and administration of outdoor facilities for clubs, and guidelines for participation for individuals. The situation is evolving constantly, and there will be further updates to the guidance as more information becomes available.

Further advice is available at the GOV.UK and Sport England websites. Please regularly check these sites and the updated ECB guidance as this policy position is likely to change over time and could also become more regionalised and localised as time progresses.

The detailed guidance for clubs and individuals has been distributed to clubs and is also available here.

Watch: Siddle’s Surprise

The lockdown period has been a new experience for children who are completing their school work from home so when the Club received a message from a young Eagles fan, we thought it would be the perfect opportunity to help them out.

Charlie, aged 9, from Chelmsford has been busy at home tackling a school project and decided to focus it on his favourite Essex bowler, Peter Siddle!

After getting in touch with Club for some help, we decided to get in touch with the one person who could really lend a hand.

Sids is currently back home in Australia but jumped on a video call with Charlie to talk cricket and help him with his project!

Essex fans will be able to welcome Peter back next year after agreeing to defer his contract this season to 2021 and you can read more – here.


Test Your Knowledge With Our Latest Essex Quiz

It’s that time of the week when you have the chance to test your Essex knowledge!

This week we’re looking back at our biggest T20 innings, and we’re challenging you to remember who scored the 20 highest innings in our T20 history.

Make sure you share your score with us afterwards via our social media channels on Twitter and Facebook.

Look out for our latest quiz each week, as well as a choice of new content available soon across the Essex Cricket platforms, including classic matches, interviews and competitions.

Cult Heroes: Graham Napier

The latest player in our Cult Heroes series looks back on the career of a record-breaker who lit up Chelmsford on numerous occasions. A local hero who spent his entire career at the Club before retiring in 2016.

Enjoy a look back on the career of Graham Napier with an opportunity to watch the highlights from two special performances in particular…

This series is supported by Allen Ford and we thank them for their continued support.

Essex Career Stats (1997-2016)
First-Class Debut: 20 August 1997 v Nottinghamshire
Appearances: 500
Runs: 8,912
First Class Average: 58.88
Highest Score: 196 – 2011 v Surrey
Centuries: 8
Fifties: 38
Wickets: 842
Best Figures: 7-21 – 2014 v Cambridge MCCU

A life-changing innings for a game-changer.

The date was Tuesday 24 June 24, 2008, and Essex Eagles faced Sussex Sharks in the Twenty20 Cup on a balmy evening at Chelmsford. As Graham Napier strode to the crease, he would have no idea that what was about to occur would alter his life.

The all-rounder, batting at number 3, produced an amazing innings of 152 not out from just 58 balls during which he set new world record figures as he blasted 16 sixes peppering the ball into and beyond the Chelmsford crowd with bullets from his bat.

His half-century arrived after 29 balls and 15 balls later, he was celebrating his hundred. The next 50 runs were even more mind-blowing with just 13 more deliveries required to reach his to 150, achieved with the 16th six of his spectacular innings that also included 10 fours.

The media were now on his trail and the attention brought the offer of an IPL contract with Mumbai Indians. It was a commitment that was to change his life.

“It was the launch pad of my career when I didn’t really know where cricket was going. It set me back on track to where I wanted to be,” he acknowledged.”

In 2009 he was named in England’s World Twenty20 squad but didn’t get the opportunity to showcase his talents and he was then dealt a heavy blow when, in June 2010, he suffered a stress fracture to his back, ending his season.

Then 31 years-old, the Colchester-born destroyer still had a point to prove. Returning to the first-class game after an 11-month absence, he struck 196 in the County Championship match with Surrey at Whitgift School on his comeback. He faced 130 deliveries and equalled the world record of 16 sixes in a first-class innings.

However, it was the wicket of Australia Test captain Ricky Ponting that is among his personal highlights. That came in 2013 when he took four wickets in four balls during a Yorkshire Bank 40 match against Surrey, on his way to career-best figures of 7-32.

“To take his wicket was very special and to take his middle stump, that is my little personal highlight,” he admitted.

As a youngster, he might have pursued a career as a goalkeeper with Ipswich Town having been offered a place on their YTS scholarship scheme but cricket was closest to the Napier heart and he opted for the summer game.

But it was not until that memorable T20 innings that his preferred career really took off.

“The 152 opened the door for me,” he admitted. “It got me into world headlines and led to opportunities to play in the IPL and other places. Yet, funnily enough, up until that season I didn’t feel I was making any progress and hadn’t done so for two summers really. I’d been in and out of the first team, without establishing myself soundly as a player. I’d been with Essex since 1996 when I joined as a YTS trainee.

“I’d got my County cap but I wasn’t really achieving what I wanted. In that summer, I had been given application forms for the fire brigade and the police force. “I suppose at that time, I was just looking to plan for the future if cricket was not going to fulfil the ambition I had. I guess that innings helped postpone the future plans for a few more years, 8 years in fact.”

After a lot of hard thinking, he took the decision to retire at the conclusion of the 2016 season. But there was still time for Napes to remind the fans of his all-round talents. Fittingly the stage was at his “home” ground of Castle Park, Colchester where he had played so much cricket in his formative years. “I wanted to go out when I was still turning in acceptable performances,” he insisted.

And he did in spectacular style in the match with Sussex. Having taken his 17th first-class 5-wickets haul for the Club, he followed up with his 7th first-class century for the county when he struck 124 to steer his side to the draw that kept them on top of the table and a step closer to promotion. Napier’s marvellous effort with the bat spanned 155 balls and included 4 sixes and 17 fours, which earned him an emotional standing ovation.

Now his time is spent as a teacher at RHS School in Ipswich but Napier hopes that his master classes for Essex on the cricket field will be fondly appreciated by all who saw him play.

An effective and fine exponent of the game across all three formats, he retired after 172 first-class matches for Essex having accumulated 5,225 runs and taken 468 wickets. His 219 List A appearances for the Eagles brought 251 wickets and almost 2,400 runs whilst 109 T20 matches produced 123 wickets and 995 runs.

“I’d like people to remember me as someone that played with a smile, enjoyed the game and entertained,” he stated. “There have been highs and lows along the way. I’ve had a few injuries in my career that halted my progress.

“As long as you play, make sure you do it with a smile on your face whether you are a 17-year-old and making your debut or you are playing in your last game.”

Truly a wonderful entertainer who gave so much fun to those watching.


Join Our Alternative Cricket Tea This Weekend

As part of our on-going community outreach, the Club will be collecting food this weekend for the Chelmsford Foodbank as part of our Alternative Cricket Tea campaign!

This is aiming to provide help for people within our community who are experiencing crisis and we’re asking Members, supporters and local residents to donate what they can during these difficult times. Chelmsford Foodbank is understandably experiencing high demand for food and basic amenities and has separated items into urgently needed and regularly needed categories.

A small team of volunteers will be helping during the morning and assisting visitors where possible. All vehicles will be guided on arrival down the main driveway to ensure that the process is straightforward and most importantly, safe.

Dropping Off By Foot:
• If you live locally and can drop any items by foot, then kindly do so by entering via the Main Gate on New Writtle Street. A volunteer will be on hand to take the items from you.

Dropping Off By Car:
• On arrival at The Cloudfm County Ground, a volunteer will guide you down the main driveway to the Members Gate in front of the Doug Insole Pavilion. If their is another car already at the drop-off point then please remain in your car and wait to be directed.

• Once you arrive at the drop-off point, please kindly exit your vehicle and open the boot of your car. A volunteer will then take the items out of your car and store them safe.

• You will then be guided away from the drop-off point using the one-way system and exiting through the Club car park.

All volunteers will be supplied with PPE and those in different households will be maintaining social distancing at all times.

Thank you for your support during these testing times and your donations will go a long way to helping those in need.

Urgently Needed Items:

• Long life milk
• Tinned meat
• Tinned tomatoes
• Tinned potatoes
• Tinned fruit
• Rice pudding/custard
• Jam
• Long life juice
• Sugar
• Toilet paper
• Toothbrushes

Regularly Needed Items:

• Rice
• Shampoo
• Carrier bags (reusable)
• Squash
• Deodorants
• Tins or packets of custards
• Peanut butter
• Razors
• Shower gel
• Coffee
• Multipack snacks

We are also pleased to announce that this campaign is being supported by a number of cricket clubs across the region, who are getting involved to support their local Foodbank.

Other food collections taking place:
Saturday 16 May
• Brentwood Cricket Club
• Frenford Cricket Club
• Great Totham Cricket Club
• Harold Wood Cricket Club
• Old Chelmsfordians Cricket Club
• Wanstead & Snaresbrook Cricket Club
• West Mersea Cricket Club

Friday 22 May
• Barking Cricket Club, 6pm-8pm

Saturday 30 May
• Rainham Cricket Club, 12pm-3:30pm

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Would your Club like to host an Alternative Cricket Tea this weekend or in the future? Get in touch with our community team ([email protected]) for further information or alternatively, you can download our social media graphic via WeTransfer below to start promoting your event.

>> Download Graphic Here


Look Back: Napier’s Record Breaking Innings

We continue our look back at the great Graham Napier moments with a chance to watch another memorable moment. Following our ‘Essex Archives’ screening on Friday of our match versus Surrey Lions in 2013 where Napes took 4 wickets in 4 balls, we now take you back to Tuesday 24 June 2008.

This is another match that will live long in the memory of every Essex fan for one special performance from a legend of the Club.

A T20 World Record… 152 Not Out. 16 Sixes.

Graham Napier’s world record innings put T20 on the map at Chelmsford and around the world as he smashed balls to every part of the ground.

The match versus Sussex Sharks was broadcast live in front of the Sky Sports cameras and 10 years on from that match in 2018, the Club made a special documentary video to mark the remarkable day.

The documentary was shown live for the first time at the opening Vitality Blast match of the season in 2018 against Sussex Sharks and was supported by the Peter Edwards Museum & Library, which is based at The Cloudfm County Ground.

Miss our 4 wickets in 4 balls screening? You can still watch full coverage of the match via our YouTube channel – here.


Essex Archives: Essex Eagles v Surrey Lions 2013

Essex Eagles v Surrey Lions
Yorkshire Bank 40
Monday 3 June 2013
The Cloudfm County Ground, Chelmsford

This latest Essex Archives match is supported by Woodland Group.

Essex Team: Tom Westley, Hamish Rutherford, Mark Pettini, Ravi Bopara, Owais Shah, Ryan ten Doeschate, James Foster (c & wk), Graham Napier, Tim Phillips, David Masters, Reece Topley

Surrey Team: Steven Davies (wk), Jason Roy, Vikram Solanki (c), Ricky Ponting, Gary Wilson, Azhar Mahmood, Zander de Bruyn, Tom Jewell, Jon Lewis, Stuart Meaker, Gary Keedy

Toss: Surrey Lions won the toss and elected to bowl

Umpires: Mark Benson, Steve Garratt & Paul Pollard

Result: Essex Eagles won by 178 runs

Match Reaction: Graham Napier reflects on his remarkable Player of the Match performance with the ball

Match Highlights:

Match Report:

Essex 312-7 (40 overs)
Surrey 134 all out (29.4 overs)

Graham Napier bowled Essex to a second success in 24 hours as they followed up the comprehensive victory over Scotland with the demolition of Surrey, who were dismissed for just 134 in pursuit of their opponents’ commanding 312 for 7.

Napier was in sensational form with the ball, at times as he returned figures of 7 for 32 that included four wickets in four balls having earlier dismissed international star Ricky Ponting.

Needing to launch their reply with tempo and substance, the Surrey innings floundered with the loss of their first four wickets in 13 overs for 49 runs including Jason Roy and Ponting who became the first of Napier’s septet of victims.

Australian Test captain Ponting had scored just 2 runs when he was beaten outside his off stump by Napier but there was no such good fortune for the batsman when he pushed forward to the bowler’s next delivery and lost his middle stump, leaving Napier jubilantly celebrating his prized scalp.

The 33-year-old Essex all-rounder was virtually unplayable as he continued his demolition job by bowling Azhar Mahmood and Jon Lewis and trapping Zander de Bruyn and Tom Jewell in the crease with full-pitched deliveries.

That left the Surrey innings in tatters at 113 for eight.

Napier then found the edge to have Stuart Meaker caught in his next over to finish with the remarkable figures of 8-2-32-7, the second best limited-overs haul by an Essex bowler.

Owais Shah and Ravi Bopara had led the scoring for the home side, with Shah playing a superb innings of 68 from 53 balls including three sixes and four other boundaries.

Bopara scored 54 from 58 balls, with five boundaries including a six in an innings containing wristy stroke play and trademark drives on either side of the wicket until he was caught at deep mid-wicket.

Shah and Bopara posted 55 in nine overs for the fourth wicket to initiate the rapid acceleration of the innings.

England all-rounder Bopara was a surprise inclusion for the home side having been given permission to play by the ECB ahead of the Champions Trophy which starts later in the week and he responded.

His demise allowed Shah to take over and the former England batsman combined elegant and conventional stroke play with aggressive punishing shots as he dominated the visitors’ bowling.

He set the tone for his side who added 191 runs from the final 20 overs, with Shah at the crease for 15 of those.

There were briskly struck contributions at the top of the order from Tom Westley and Mark Pettini, who scored 34 and 43 respectively, before James Foster added 39 from 18 deliveries at the conclusion of the innings.

Speaking after the match, Essex hero of the hour Napier said:

“To have a hat-trick, Ricky Ponting, seven wickets, career-best figures all in one go, I am ecstatic about it all.

“Four in four is a first for me in any form of cricket.

“The ball had been roughed up on the wicket, it was a very dry wicket and it enabled it to reverse swing at that stage in the game.

“I was only ever doing one thing, going full and straight, and that’s what I do.

“He [Ponting] is one I have dreamed about for a very long time. Just to get the chance to bowl to him was great and to knock his middle stump out of the ground, you can’t ask for much more.”

Bank Holiday Activities for All Ages

Get set for the Bank Holiday Weekend with our range of activities suitable for all ages to enjoy whilst at home!

Our Eagle Eye activity booklet is still available to download or print out now, along with the colouring-in sheets for both adults and juniors.

Feeling like a test? You can challenge yourself with our Essex quizzes on subject such as Essex Captains or Wisden Cricketers of the Year.

Our Eagle Eye activity series is supported by Felsted School and we thank them for their continued support.

All activities are available in pdf format and can be saved or printed off.

Don’t forget to share your artwork with us via our social media channels on Twitter and Facebook.

Test Your Essex Knowledge:

Give the latest Essex quiz a go and test your knowledge of our Yorkshire Bank 40 match in 2013 against Surrey… the match where Graham Napier took 4 wickets in 4 balls! You’ve got 5 minutes to name both starting XI’s plus the Head Coaches.

NEW! >> Essex Eagles v Surrey Lions 2013

>> Wisden Cricketers of the Year

>> Essex Captains

>> Alastair Cook

Junior Activities:

colourbutton quizbutton


Adult Colouring In:

Enjoy an afternoon colouring in your favourite Essex players, along with some familiar faces from yesterday’s year. There are a further 8 designs to try in the second part, which now include Simon Harmer, Graham Gooch and Essex & England Women’s player, Mady Villiers!



DeVines Magic Moments: Best Catch

Following a week of voting, the DeVines Magic Moment for April has been decided!

First up for April was the ‘Best Catch’ of the season, with 8 contenders. The winner with 33% of votes was Ryan ten Doeschate’s catch against Hampshire, thanks to some unbelievable football skills from Adam Wheater to keep the chance alive.

You can watch back the 8 catches plus a chance to hear some insight from Anthony McGrath into the game and what each catch meant to the outcome of the match.

Special thanks to DeVines for their continued support as long-term partners of the Club.

Our next DeVines Magic Moment poll will take place at the end of the month so keep an eye on our website and social media channels.