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Recreational Season Update – Thursday 07 May

Revised article updated: Thursday 07 May, 5:00pm

Article first released: Thursday 26 March, 10:00am

Recreational Cricket Update

• Dan Feist – Cricket Operations – [email protected]
• Graham Pryke – Leagues and Clubs, Lead on Funding – [email protected]
• Natalie Samaranayake – Women & Girls, Youth – [email protected]
• Phil Knappett – Safeguarding and on-line courses – [email protected]
• Arfan Akram – East London Clubs and Leagues – [email protected]

A message from Dan Feist, Head of Cricket Operations, Essex Cricket

“In these unprecedented times it is fundamental that we first acknowledge the role we can all play in supporting each other to be safe, but once some form of normality starts to return, the role of Clubs as a Community Hub to spark excitement and engagement for all is going to be more important than ever before.

“Throughout history, Cricket Clubs have provided a united and reliable place for the community to come together and it has been great to see and hear so many positive stories about how this is continuing, despite the current situation. The news this week about the financial support that will be available for Clubs alongside other government initiatives comes at a welcome time for all.

“We will be now working with Clubs across the County to make sure they have all the support they need to ensure that they can continue to support their local community and remain a vital part of the wider Essex Cricket family.”

Current Government Advice

All the latest details can be found via:

Funding & Financial Support

Information on the ECB’s Leagues Loan is now available: Here

Further to ECB’s announcement on 31 March, today the ECB announced its Loan and Grant Scheme.

The Grant has been launched as the final resort so we would, therefore, encourage all Clubs and Leagues to ensure they have applied for the following first:

1. Government’s Local Authority Small Business Grant. For more information – click here
2. Sport England Funding – click here
3. The ECB Loan scheme – click here
4. The ECB Grant – click here

Please also consider visiting the following resources;

ECiC Guidance

ECiC has put together the following guidance that member clubs are recommended to act on.

Essex Cricket Covid-19 Webinars:
A series of webinars have been organised using conferencing platform, Zoom to share thoughts from different areas of Essex Cricket. We ask you to reflect on these and think about the one thing we can do now to help grow and sustain your club while enhancing your community tomorrow.

Thursday 23 April, 5pm – Club Development and Funding

48 members of clubs and leagues across Essex, Cambridgeshire, Huntingdonshire and Bedfordshire logged in to the first virtual presentation on Club Development and Funding which was delivered by ECB’s Duncan Jenkinson and Essex Cricket’s Graham Pryke.

webinarbutton-read webinarbutton

Listen to the Webinar:


Tuesday 28 April 12pm – Volunteering and Safeguarding

46 members of clubs and leagues across Essex, Cambridgeshire, Huntingdonshire and Bedfordshire logged in to the first virtual presentation on Volunteering and Safeguarding which was delivered by Essex Cricket’s County Welfare Officer and Director of Cricket Operations.

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Listen to the Webinar:


Thursday 30 April, 5pm – Grounds Maintenance

Essex Cricket’s Head Groundsman, Stuart Kerrison and Grounds Management Associations Regional Pitch Advisor, Phil Jeggo shared insight and good practices as well as answering questions on Grounds Maintenance, 66 members of clubs and leagues across Essex, Cambridgeshire, Huntingdonshire and Bedfordshire logged in.

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Listen to the Webinar:

• Tuesday 5 May, 12pm – Women and Girls

33 members of clubs and leagues across Essex, Cambridgeshire, Huntingdonshire and Bedfordshire logged in to the webinar on Women and Girls cricket delivered by Essex Cricket’s Head of Women and Girls Cricket, Natalie Samaranayake and Families Co-ordinator, Claire Smith.

webinarbutton-read webinarbutton
Listen to the Webinar:

• Thursday 7 May, 5pm -Youth Cricket and Player Pathway
Join Meeting – Here

• Tuesday 12 May, 12pm Scoring and Umpiring
Join Meeting – Here

• Thursday 14 May, 5pm – Marketing and Commercial activation
Join Meeting – Here

• Tuesday 19 May, 12pm – Coach Education
Join Meeting – Here

Good News

To date over £1M has been received from Governments Small Business Grant, Sport England Grant, ECB Grants and Loans to date. If your club or league is applicable and have not applied for any of the funding pots then please find links on the Funding and Financial Support section.

Case Study of the Week: COVID-19 Cricket Tea

Plans are being finalised for an opportunity for Club across the county to take part in a united COVID-19 Cricket Tea. This is set to take place on Saturday 16 May with clubhouses and pavilions being turned into foodbanks. This is a fantastic way to support the local community by linking up with local foodbanks or homeless shelters to provide a location for people to donate food.

Marketing support will be provided by Essex Cricket to showcase as many clubs as possible who are keen to be involved with further information and literature available next week.

The Cloudfm County Ground will be joining the campaign with donations welcome from the public.

Past Case Study: Upminster Race Night Quiz

On Saturday 11 April, Upminster Cricket Club held a Virtual Race Night for their members which attracted 300 members and raised £5K for both the club and the NHS.

You can see the full report via the Recorder Newspaper – here

Upminster Cricket Club Chairman, Ollie Peck has kindly agreed to run three free webinars if any club wishes to run a Quiz Night for their own members and can see how to set this up. The details of the webinar are as following:

Dates and Times:
• Monday 11 May, 8pm

Webinar Details:

Topic: Online Race Night – How To Run Tutorial
Date: Monday 11 May
Time: 8pm

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 834 4942 4148
Password: 280353

For any further information please do not hesitate to drop Oliver Peck an email – [email protected]

Recreational Cricket Update

‘APG 6 Balls to Help Restart Cricket’

As agreed at the Essex Cricket in the Community Adult Participation Group (“APG”) Meeting on 29 April 2020.

All leagues understand the challenges facing recreational cricket at this time.

Although many of the concerns that all leagues, clubs and players are facing at the moment cannot yet be answered, the APG has agreed on the following points to help clubs plan for the future and to give cricket the best chance to return when/if possible in 2020.

1. All leagues agree that their number one priority is to help reactivate play at their member clubs. Be that through their standard league set-up or helping to support creative ways of getting games played.
2. All leagues agree that there will be a period of time between the current lockdown being relaxed and the league season beginning: this is to ensure that grounds and facilities can be got ready for appropriate use. Recommended between 2-5 weeks: leagues to consult their clubs.
3. All leagues agree that there will be no league cricket before July 01 2020.
4. League fixtures and length of season:
• Leagues will try to use the fixtures already produced for their leagues.
• League games to be played on the usual day for that league e.g. Saturday League games not being played on Sundays and vice versa.
• Leagues to consider extending the season deeper into September and October by organising games/competitions at these times with clubs that are able to field teams and at grounds that are available.
5. All leagues agree that there will be no promotion or relegation between divisions for the 2020 season.
6. Penalties: All leagues agree that clubs will not face financial or points penalties for failing to fulfill fixtures, pulling out of divisions or other such offences that are due to the current Covid-19 Pandemic.

The APG will also continue to work with Essex Cricket in the Community, the ECB and Government to update leagues and their member clubs on any announcements or decisions around risk, hygiene and social distancing concerning the playing and organising of cricket.

Kind Regards from:
THE ECiC Adult Participation Group, Made up off all leagues across Essex.
SNEL, EAPL, H&EBL, ECCL, T Rippon, Two Counties, North Essex, Essex Sunday, NCL, EDCL, BSL, GMCL, LCL, LSL, E&MCL, BCL, GLCL, BTCL, LUCL, Warsop Sunday League, Indoor Cricket, Women Cricket Leagues.


Safeguarding – Please visit the safeguarding page for latest update on the following:
• Club Support -Safeguarding and Protecting Children
• Join Zoom Welfare Support Meeting every Tuesday at 4pm to get further updates and ask any questions.
• Safehands
• Social Media
• Zoom Video Conferencing
• Checklist for clubs running an online Zoom coaching session
• Club Welfare Officer Letter

Phil Knappett Essex County Welfare Officer: [email protected]

Club Development Plan
With the updates announced by Sport England and the ECB, we advise that clubs and leagues to work up contingency plans covering various eventualities. We also suggest that they should develop, or where appropriate update, their development plans – including a way forward – and perhaps include a financial assessment of the club’s current and estimated future position, with a comparison to the past three seasons. Projected cash flow will be particularly crucial.

Please do consider how your club can stay relevant and in people’s minds in the local community through online games/videos, members webinars…

Through consultation with a number of stakeholders, ECiC has taken the decision to amend the affiliation fee for ALL clubs to a £20 deposit which will be reviewed again at the end of September. As in previous years a percentage of this amount will be retained by the local Cricket Participation Group to support junior cricket development. Please inform clubs in your league and it will be communicated and processed up the chain.

Affiliation fees ensure the provision of support for clubs from ECiC and the ECB. If your league or club has not affiliated in the past and you wish to do so, then please make contact with your regional/district contact in the first instance.

During Tuesday evenings APG meeting, a number of leagues will not be invoicing clubs until they have a clearer picture of the season. We ask all our leagues to consider if this is a workable option for them, too. If you have other suppliers who have invoiced you for supplies, kit etc it would be sensible to contact them to discuss the situation.

Councils & Landlords
We recommend that each club in your league makes contact with their landlords and discusses the possibility of a rent holiday and/or reduction. We are keen for updates to be shared with your respective Essex Cricket contact.

Grounds Maintenance

The Institute of Groundsmen (IOG) on 02 April provided the latest guidelines and specifications for cricket grounds maintenance, respecting the Governments current guidelines – view here

An update on guidance for groundsmen and women can found here:

Indoor/Outdoor Nets
In line with the ECB statement on 18th March, the county has suspended all indoor cricket and all outdoor cricket activities are postponed until advised. If you have not already done so,please take the appropriate action.

Overseas Players
Do contact them and their agents as the situation obviously will alter their plans.

Online Cricket Games/Activities
We have been updating our platforms to show activities that individuals and/or families can take part in whilst at home; these can be located via:
• Website:
• Facebook:
• Twitter:
• Instagram:

Online Courses

Online Umpiring Course: A great opportunity to hone in and on your journey of becoming an umpire:

All Stars Cricket/Dynamos
The ECB have suspended All Stars Cricket and Dynamo Cricket until further notice. However as recently communicated by the ECB, ASC Packs and games at home will be posted out shortly to all that have registered. – more information

Next week we are excited to be able to share an updated All Stars Cricket 2020 Activity Booklet with all past and present All Stars parents for them to download. Jam-packed with eight different activity areas, introductions to cricket skills, quizzes and recipes from England players, the booklet has been adapted to be suitable for families whilst they are at home.

Youth Participation Group (YPG)
The YPG met via the virtual world, here is an update regarding Youth Cricket:

Active Essex Webinar
Organised by Active Essex, Essex Cricket amongst a number of NGB’s shared, discussed and debated a number of factors. The group will meet again in a few weeks’ time to ensure a cross-sport discussion with the focus of keeping our communities as active as possible and supporting young people.

The group also discussed funding and the following two links were signposted as a guide outside of the Sport England, ECB and Government funding.

and finally…

Most importantly it is clear that we want everyone to look after their own health and that of their members; this is the main priority of all.


In line with Government guidance, Essex Cricket in the Community staff as of Wednesday 18 March are working from home. Wherever possible, the team will continue to give support and will continue to provide updates as often as necessary.

Warren Appointed for New Women’s Role for London and East region

Essex Cricket, in partnership with the counties in the East region, are today delighted to announce that current Head of Women’s Cricket for Middlesex and Marylebone Cricket Club (MCC), Danni Warren, has been appointed to the new role of Regional Director of Women’s Cricket for the London and East region.

The introduction of the new Women’s Elite Domestic Structure in October 2019 forms part of the ECB’s ten-point action plan for Transforming Women’s and Girls’ Cricket, and Warren will be one of eight appointed Regional Directors of Cricket across the country, with responsibility for delivering the nationwide strategy to drive performance, create more pathway opportunities, increase participation, and ultimately develop more elite female cricketers.

Warren will take up the role with immediate effect and will oversee operations in the London and East regional hub, which comprises players from the first-class counties of Middlesex, Essex and Northants, the MCC, and the national counties of Hertfordshire, Cambridgeshire, Suffolk, Norfolk and Bedfordshire and Huntingdonshire, and will build on the collective work that has been taking place over the past 3 years.

The Partnership between counties and other key stakeholders in the region continues to be committed to developing the Women and Girls game that has a strong reputation across all areas of the ECB Women’s action plan.

Speaking of being appointed to the new role, Warren commented:

“It goes without saying that I am passionate about driving the development of Women & Girls’ cricket. I have loved every minute of my last three years with Middlesex and MCC and am very proud of the role both organisations have played in furthering opportunities for females across the pathway.

“I am really excited to be taking on the role of Regional Director of Women’s Cricket. This new structure provides a unique opportunity to harness the potential the women & girls’ game has at all levels, both across our region and nationally. Despite the current challenges this remains a very exciting period of time for Women’s cricket and I hope I can play a role in delivering success, on and off the field, over the coming years.

“I would like to personally thank all players, coaches and colleagues at Middlesex and MCC. The support they have offered me, and the success that so many have gone on to achieve has made my time as Head of Women’s Cricket an absolute pleasure.

“Whilst I look forward to furthering my working relationships with all regional partners, I also cannot wait to continue to work with those at both Middlesex and MCC. Ultimately harnessing the experiences of all partners locally, utilising these to deliver success as a region.

Dan Feist, Cricket Operations Director at Essex Cricket, added: “Women’s cricket is at the heart of the development and opportunity for the game within Essex, East London and East Anglia. We see this exciting appointment of Danni, who has supported us with a number of our developments, as the next key step in the East Region continuing to be recognised as a leading hub in the ECB Inspiring Generations Strategy and Transforming Women & Girls Cricket action plan.

“As part of this, we look forward to seeing the increased opportunities for girls to play at their local clubs, as well as being inspired by their role models with the chance to watch England Women and London Spirit at The Cloudfm County Ground.”

Essex Replayed: Watch Along With Harmy

It’s one of the most unforgettable moments in the Club’s history and now you can sit alongside the man who helped to seal the Finals Day victory in our latest Essex Replayed episode!

Harmy gives an insight into the game and his thoughts from the middle as he geared up to face Wayne Parnell in the final over of the match at Edgbaston.

The first screening will be available to view from 3pm on Saturday (02 May) via our Essex Cricket TV YouTube channel!

Essex Cricket TV will be bringing you memorable games from down the years, including a look at last year’s special season. Head to our YouTube account to enjoy our content so far, including our first episode of the Essex Replayed series featuring Tom Westley and Nick Browne – subscribe now and get notifications of all future videos posted!



Recreational Season Update – Friday 01 May

Revised article updated: Friday 01 May, 5:00pm

Article first released: Thursday 26 March, 10:00am

Recreational Cricket Update

• Dan Feist – Cricket Operations – [email protected]
• Graham Pryke – Leagues and Clubs, Lead on Funding – [email protected]
• Natalie Samaranayake – Women & Girls, Youth – [email protected]
• Phil Knappett – Safeguarding and on-line courses – [email protected]
• Arfan Akram – East London Clubs and Leagues – [email protected]

A message from Dan Feist, Head of Cricket Operations, Essex Cricket

“In these unprecedented times it is fundamental that we first acknowledge the role we can all play in supporting each other to be safe, but once some form of normality starts to return, the role of Clubs as a Community Hub to spark excitement and engagement for all is going to be more important than ever before.

“Throughout history, Cricket Clubs have provided a united and reliable place for the community to come together and it has been great to see and hear so many positive stories about how this is continuing, despite the current situation. The news this week about the financial support that will be available for Clubs alongside other government initiatives comes at a welcome time for all.

“We will be now working with Clubs across the County to make sure they have all the support they need to ensure that they can continue to support their local community and remain a vital part of the wider Essex Cricket family.”

Current Government Advice

All the latest details can be found via:

Funding & Financial Support

Further to ECB’s announcement on 31 March, today the ECB announced its Loan and Grant Scheme:
The Grant has been launched as the final resort so we would, therefore, encourage all Clubs and Leagues to ensure they have applied for the following first:

1. Government’s Local Authority Small Business Grant. For more information – click here
2. Sport England Funding – click here
3. The ECB Loan scheme – click here
4. The ECB Grant – click here

Please also consider visiting the following resources;

ECiC Guidance

ECiC has put together the following guidance that member clubs are recommended to act on.

Essex Cricket Covid-19 Webinars:
A series of webinars have been organised using conferencing platform, Zoom to share thoughts from different areas of Essex Cricket. We ask you to reflect on these and think about the one thing we can do now to help grow and sustain your club while enhancing your community tomorrow.

Thursday 23 April, 5pm – Club Development and Funding

48 members of clubs and leagues across Essex, Cambridgeshire, Huntingdonshire and Bedfordshire logged in to the first virtual presentation on Club Development and Funding which was delivered by ECB’s Duncan Jenkinson and Essex Cricket’s Graham Pryke.

webinarbutton-read webinarbutton

Listen to the Webinar:


Tuesday 28 April 12pm – Volunteering and Safeguarding

46 members of clubs and leagues across Essex, Cambridgeshire, Huntingdonshire and Bedfordshire logged in to the first virtual presentation on Volunteering and Safeguarding which was delivered by Essex Cricket’s County Welfare Officer and Director of Cricket Operations.

webinarbutton-read webinarbutton
Listen to the Webinar:


Thursday 30 April, 5pm – Grounds Maintenance

Essex Cricket’s Head Groundsman, Stuart Kerrison and Grounds Management Associations Regional Pitch Advisor, Phil Jeggo shared insight and good practices as well as answering questions on Grounds Maintenance, 66 members of clubs and leagues across Essex, Cambridgeshire, Huntingdonshire and Bedfordshire logged in.

webinarbutton-read webinarbutton
Listen to the Webinar:

• Tuesday 5 May, 12pm – Women and Girls
Join Meeting – Here

• Thursday 7 May, 5pm -Youth Cricket and Player Pathway
Join Meeting – Here

• Tuesday 12 May, 12pm Scoring and Umpiring
Join Meeting – Here

• Thursday 14 May, 5pm – Marketing and Commercial activation
Join Meeting – Here

• Tuesday 19 May, 12pm – Coach Education
Join Meeting – Here

Case Study of the Week:

To date over £800K has been received from Governments Small Business Grant, Sport England Grant, ECB Grants and Loans to date. If your club or league is applicable and have not applied for any of the funding pots then please find links on the Funding and Financial Support section.

Past Case Study: Upminster Race Night Quiz

On Saturday 11 April, Upminster Cricket Club held a Virtual Race Night for their members which attracted 300 members and raised £5K for both the club and the NHS.

You can see the full report via the Recorder Newspaper – here

Upminster Cricket Club Chairman, Ollie Peck has kindly agreed to run three free webinars if any club wishes to run a Quiz Night for their own members and can see how to set this up. The details of the webinar are as following:

Dates and Times:
• Monday 4 May, 8pm
• Monday 11 May, 8pm

Webinar Details:

Topic: Online Race Night – How To Run Tutorial
Date: Monday 4 May or Monday 11 May
Time: 8pm

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 834 4942 4148
Password: 280353

For any further information please do not hesitate to drop Oliver Peck an email – [email protected]

Recreational Cricket Update

‘APG 6 Balls to Help Restart Cricket’

As agreed at the Essex Cricket in the Community Adult Participation Group (“APG”) Meeting on 29 April 2020.

All leagues understand the challenges facing recreational cricket at this time.

Although many of the concerns that all leagues, clubs and players are facing at the moment cannot yet be answered, the APG has agreed on the following points to help clubs plan for the future and to give cricket the best chance to return when/if possible in 2020.

1. All leagues agree that their number one priority is to help reactivate play at their member clubs. Be that through their standard league set-up or helping to support creative ways of getting games played.
2. All leagues agree that there will be a period of time between the current lockdown being relaxed and the league season beginning: this is to ensure that grounds and facilities can be got ready for appropriate use. Recommended between 2-5 weeks: leagues to consult their clubs.
3. All leagues agree that there will be no league cricket before July 01 2020.
4. League fixtures and length of season:
• Leagues will try to use the fixtures already produced for their leagues.
• League games to be played on the usual day for that league e.g. Saturday League games not being played on Sundays and vice versa.
• Leagues to consider extending the season deeper into September and October by organising games/competitions at these times with clubs that are able to field teams and at grounds that are available.
5. All leagues agree that there will be no promotion or relegation between divisions for the 2020 season.
6. Penalties: All leagues agree that clubs will not face financial or points penalties for failing to fulfill fixtures, pulling out of divisions or other such offences that are due to the current Covid-19 Pandemic.

The APG will also continue to work with Essex Cricket in the Community, the ECB and Government to update leagues and their member clubs on any announcements or decisions around risk, hygiene and social distancing concerning the playing and organising of cricket.

Kind Regards from:
THE ECiC Adult Participation Group, Made up off all leagues across Essex.
SNEL, EAPL, H&EBL, ECCL, T Rippon, Two Counties, North Essex, Essex Sunday, NCL, EDCL, BSL, GMCL, LCL, LSL, E&MCL, BCL, GLCL, BTCL, LUCL, Warsop Sunday League, Indoor Cricket, Women Cricket Leagues.


Further information on Safeguarding can be found – here

Safe Hands

Or alternatively, Google “ECB Cricket Safe Hands”

These notes are supplements to Safe Hands to take account of the present social lockdown.

View CPSU for good generic sports advice – here

No face to face verification of DBS by CWO’s for the present. It is important that all coaches who maintain online links with children and adults and Club Welfare Officers maintain their DBS certification. We will issue advice once we get notice that lockdown will end about all volunteering sectors and we can start to prepare for some recreational cricket.

There are no Safe Hands courses planned at present which may mean CWO’s normal three-year qualification will expire. We are awaiting advice on how we can train and refresh CWO’s qualification.

Clubs should continue to be fully compliant with all Safe Hands Policies and good practice. Clubs who do not have a up to date CWO but in previous seasons have had at least one will no be subject to any penalties or excluded from any level of competition or participation.

Social Media:
Social media provides unique opportunities for cricket to engage and continue relationships with young members and players.

Some excellent examples from Essex Cricket, individual clubs and coaches.

Communicating with young people online can have significant benefits from encouraging a team ethos, to gaining new club members.

Online safety risks for young people:
Posting personal information that can identify and locate a child offline.

Potential for inappropriate relationships between adults in positions of trust and the young people they work with.

Sexual grooming, luring, exploitation and abuse, or unwanted contact.

Exposure to inappropriate content, including pornography, racist or hate material or violent behaviour.

Experiencing negative behaviour on social media can have an impact on a young person.

If not used appropriately, young people’s identities can go to the wrong people and make them vulnerable online.

Zoom video conferencing:
Zoom is one of the most popular video conferencing platforms, and one of the easiest to use and has seen a dramatic increase in users.

Zoom is popular and does not need a subscription, calls are not encrypted, and it does not have a high level of security.
Zoom meetings can display inappropriate information, say something inappropriate and stay in meetings forcing them to close.

Coaches need to be aware of security issues with Zoom and be mindful to shut down the call instantly if anything during the call doesn’t seem right.

You can also change your settings to limit the possibility of a third party joining the conversation. There is an option to create a digital call-waiting room.

The screen will show who is joining in on Zoom meetings/chats before them being allowed to participate.

Checklist for clubs running a online Zoom coaching session

1. Each recurring session has it’s own Meeting ID and Password (ie there is a different password for each group).

2. The passwords are sent to the Parent’s via the Group Whatsapp or the Club’s secure website messaging system.

3. A new password for every meeting is issued every four weeks or after any incident of a unidentified person entering the Zoom room.

4. Upon dialling in, all entries will go into a Waiting Room for admission by the Team Manager who will stay on line monitoring the group throughout the session.

5. Parents must ensure their Zoom login contains their name so they can be identified.

6. Anyone who is not recognised or has a generic name (such as iPhone X) will not be admitted to the session

7. The meeting host must disable the ability for participants to “record” the session

8. Only Coaches / Team Managers who are DBS registered to be allowed to host the sessions.

9. Coaches / Host to remove participants who are behaving inappropriately, and consider shutting the call down entirely if appropriate.

Please note that all activities and exercises in this online session will be as per ECB Safeguarding and Coach Education best practice. We would expect parents and carers to ensure that their children are supervised throughout the session and ensure a safe environment for all activities.

This week’s session will look at On-line Zoom training and DBS verification.

Topic: Phil Knappett’s CWO Zoom Meeting
Time: Tuesday 05 May 2020, 4pm

Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 850 192 8999
Password: 0SLTR2 (zero-S-L-T-R-2)

Very popular with young people. There’s a need to monitor what is being posted and should not encourage dangerous or risky tasks that might discredit your club or Essex Cricket.

Phishing emails:
There’s been a huge rise in phishing emails.

They are designed to exploit the increase in working online and they are finding clever ways to try and make an email seem genuine.
• Beware of emails containing links within them. If in doubt then obviously please don’t click on any links.
• Check the email address that the email has come from.
• Never give out personal information. The link itself may not be the problem but may take you to a page to input personal data.
• Before inputting those details do make sure that the link is genuine and comes from a trustworthy source

Summer Camps:
Many clubs are considering staying open after schools break for the summer holidays. Several are considering offering extended day opportunities.

Ensure that you use your registration process for all new members.
Parents must be present for the first session to log in all their children and confirm all details.

Be very wary of having under 8’s on-site without their parents present all the time.

Check if they have an Educational or Health Care Plan and offer an opportunity to discuss in confidence with Club CWO.

At least two contact numbers should be provided by parents

Sun Safety:
Slip Slop Slap…

• Long sleeve shirt.
• A hat, preferably floppy.
• Sun cream or blocker provided by parents. Children have had allergic reactions to products supplied by clubs.

Children should bring water bottles and there should good access to suitable water.

DBS Verification

We are working with the ECB to verify both renewals and new applications for Enhanced DBS certification.

The ECB has temporarily suspended access for CWOs and club personnel to initiate DBS Disclosures or verify them. They have brought in temporary measures enabling County Staff only to carry out ID verifying via ZOOM /WhatsApp/.

If you do have anyone who needs to initiate a DBS please email Phil Knappett ([email protected]) with the following information and this will initiate the process.

Please write in for ‘subject’ of your email DBS application:

• Their full name (as it appears on their passport/driving licence)
• Their salutation (Mr/Mrs/Ms/Miss)
• Their date of birth
• Their email address
• Their club
• Their role (e.g. Coach, CWO, Activator, Umpire etc)

The applicant will receive an email from [email protected]. They will be asked to complete an online application form, including details that will be used to verify their application. When they have completed and returned the form, they should email me and I will send details on how we can complete the process. The email will contain information about which documents they will need to have ready for the verification.

As soon as the situation changes and CWOs can log back into their accounts, I will let you know.

Anyone requested to submit an overseas certificate of good conduct will be asked to email their certificate to the Safeguarding Team instead of posting.

Bank Details Security Reminder

In these turbulent times, we are aware of a number of clubs and leagues sharing information on their finances including bank account details. On advice from ECB’s IT Security Officer below is a timely reminder. Always remember, email is not secure.

When in receipt of personal or confidential information never assume it is authentic and always check its source. In the case of bank details always confirm before making payment but not using the contact details provided. If sending out a club or league’s bank details ideally use a secure route such as a secure email service or encrypted within a password-protected attachment. Personal or confidential information must always be sent securely.

Update Club Contact
Could Club Committee Representative from each respective club kindly complete the survey monkey questionnaire. The updated information will ensure we are able to streamline relative information to the right contact.

To date we have received around 50% responses, please kindly complete the simple form.

>>View Questionnaire

Club Development Plan
With the updates announced by Sport England and the ECB, we advise that clubs and leagues to work up contingency plans covering various eventualities. We also suggest that they should develop, or where appropriate update, their development plans – including a way forward – and perhaps include a financial assessment of the club’s current and estimated future position, with a comparison to the past three seasons. Projected cash flow will be particularly crucial.

Please do consider how your club can stay relevant and in people’s minds in the local community through online games/videos, members webinars…

Through consultation with a number of stakeholders, ECiC has taken the decision to amend the affiliation fee for ALL clubs to a £20 deposit which will be reviewed again at the end of September. As in previous years a percentage of this amount will be retained by the local Cricket Participation Group to support junior cricket development. Please inform clubs in your league and it will be communicated and processed up the chain.

Affiliation fees ensure the provision of support for clubs from ECiC and the ECB. If your league or club has not affiliated in the past and you wish to do so, then please make contact with your regional/district contact in the first instance.

During Tuesday evenings APG meeting, a number of leagues will not be invoicing clubs until they have a clearer picture of the season. We ask all our leagues to consider if this is a workable option for them, too. If you have other suppliers who have invoiced you for supplies, kit etc it would be sensible to contact them to discuss the situation.

Councils & Landlords
We recommend that each club in your league makes contact with their landlords and discusses the possibility of a rent holiday and/or reduction. We are keen for updates to be shared with your respective Essex Cricket contact.

Grounds Maintenance

The Institute of Groundsmen (IOG) on 02 April provided the latest guidelines and specifications for cricket grounds maintenance, respecting the Governments current guidelines – view here

An update on guidance for groundsmen and women can found here:

Indoor/Outdoor Nets
In line with the ECB statement on 18th March, the county has suspended all indoor cricket and all outdoor cricket activities are postponed until advised. If you have not already done so,please take the appropriate action.

Overseas Players
Do contact them and their agents as the situation obviously will alter their plans.

Online Cricket Games/Activities
We have been updating our platforms to show activities that individuals and/or families can take part in whilst at home; these can be located via:
• Website:
• Facebook:
• Twitter:
• Instagram:

Online Courses

Online Umpiring Course: A great opportunity to hone in and on your journey of becoming an umpire:

All Stars Cricket/Dynamos
The ECB have suspended All Stars Cricket and Dynamo Cricket until further notice. However as recently communicated by the ECB, ASC Packs and games at home will be posted out shortly to all that have registered. – more information

Next week we are excited to be able to share an updated All Stars Cricket 2020 Activity Booklet with all past and present All Stars parents for them to download. Jam-packed with eight different activity areas, introductions to cricket skills, quizzes and recipes from England players, the booklet has been adapted to be suitable for families whilst they are at home.

Youth Participation Group (YPG)
The YPG met via the virtual world, here is an update regarding Youth Cricket:

Active Essex Webinar
Organised by Active Essex, Essex Cricket amongst a number of NGB’s shared, discussed and debated a number of factors. The group will meet again in a few weeks’ time to ensure a cross-sport discussion with the focus of keeping our communities as active as possible and supporting young people.

The group also discussed funding and the following two links were signposted as a guide outside of the Sport England, ECB and Government funding.

and finally…

Most importantly it is clear that we want everyone to look after their own health and that of their members; this is the main priority of all.


In line with Government guidance, Essex Cricket in the Community staff as of Wednesday 18 March are working from home. Wherever possible, the team will continue to give support and will continue to provide updates as often as necessary.

DeVines Magic Moments: April

Here’s your chance to look back again at the 2019 season with our DeVines Magic Moments poll! Each month you will have the opportunity to vote for the best plays from the year from a host of contenders with the winner announced the following week across the Club’s social media channels and website!

First up is the best catch from the year, which have been shortlisted by Head Coach Anthony McGrath. Voting is free and there are 8 to choose from in this opening poll.

Watch the video to see the nominees plus a chance to hear from Mags with an insight into the game and what each catch meant to the outcome of the match.

Special thanks to DeVines for their continued support as long-term partners of the Club.

The Hundred To Launch In 2021

The England and Wales Cricket Board (ECB) today confirms that the launch of The Hundred will now take place in summer 2021. The news follows a meeting dedicated to the subject, where the Board concluded it was not possible for the competition to be staged this year.

The new competition has a vision to grow the game and is part of the ECB’s long-term strategy to inspire a new generation to choose cricket.

A number of reasons were outlined for the decision including:

• Operational challenges caused by social distancing, alongside ongoing global travel restrictions, making the competition’s ambition to feature world-class players and coaches, unattainable in 2020.

• A behind closed doors competition directly contradicts the competition’s goal to attract a broader audience through a unique event experience for viewers and spectators.

• With significant furloughing across the partnership network of 20 venues, the logistics of delivering a brand-new sporting event, without a tried-and-tested delivery plan, would be incredibly challenging.

Refocused efforts will now look forward to 2021, centering on the competition’s four key objectives to support the game, which will be even more imperative as the nation emerges from this pandemic:

1 – Engaging a broader audience in cricket to grow the game.

2 – Driving participation throughout the game with the support of partners Sky and BBC.

3 – Delivering guaranteed revenues and support for First-Class Counties (FCCs), MCC and the wider game.

4 – Developing young talent as they grow their skills playing for and against teams made-up of world-class players and coaches.

ECB Chief Executive Officer, Tom Harrison, commented: ‘’The situation we find ourselves in as a country means that delivery of The Hundred will not be possible this summer. Whilst we are naturally disappointed that we won’t get to realise our ambitions this year, The Hundred will go ahead in 2021 when we are safely able to deliver everything we intended to help grow the game.”

“As we emerge from the fallout of COVID-19, there will be an even greater need for The Hundred. Our survival as a game, long-term, will be dependent on our ability to recover financially and continue our ambition to build on cricket’s growing fan base. That need has not gone anyway, if anything, it is now more critical.”

“The Hundred will create millions in revenues for the game, through hosting fees, hospitality and ticket sales, as well as delivering £25m in annual financial distributions to all First Class Counties and MCC. Its role in driving participation alongside supporting the development of the women’s game will be material in generating take-up of our game across country-wide communities.’’

‘’The Hundred is an important element of the game’s Inspiring Generations strategy, which has been debated and agreed upon across the whole game. While financially, our plans may be impacted, our ambition, ‘to inspire a generation’ should in no way be diluted.’’

“We would like to thank our broadcast partners, for their extraordinary commitment and support to get The Hundred to this point and our commercial partners for their ongoing support. We very much look forward to working with them as we build to the 2021 launch.”

For more information on ticket refunds, please visit

Test Your Knowledge With Our Latest Essex Quiz

It’s that time of the week when you have the chance to test your Essex knowledge!

Since we were founded in 1876, there have only been 23 players to be named Club Captain. How many do you think you could name in 6 minutes?

Make sure you share your score with us afterwards via our social media channels on Twitter and Facebook.

Look out for our latest quiz each week, as well as a choice of new content available soon across the Essex Cricket platforms, including classic matches, interviews and competitions.

Cult Heroes: Ronnie Irani

This week’s Cult Hero is another former Captain of the Club who will live long in the memory of supporters for years to come. He joins James Foster and Graham Gooch in our series and is a player who helped the Club to a number of trophies during his time in an Essex shirt.

The Cult Heroes series is supported by Allen Ford and this week’s profile’s the Essex career of Ronnie Irani.

Essex Career Stats (1994-2007)
First-Class Debut: 24 May 1992 v Warwickshire
Appearances: 498
Runs: 20,610
First Class Average: 43.43
Highest Score: 218 – 2006 v Glamorgan
Centuries: 36
Fifties: 117
Wickets: 572

Having spent his formative years with Lancashire, Ronnie found himself denied extended opportunities with the Red Rose County and so made his way south to join Essex in 1994.

It was a move that kick-started what was to become a wonderful career for a player who struck up an immediate love-affair with the Essex faithful. As well as his obvious talents, his committed attitude and vibrant personality made him into the whole-hearted crowd-pleaser.

His reward for his performance meant the effective all-rounder forced his way into England international recognition winning three Test caps and playing in 31 ODI’s.

He also captained his adopted county for seven years and was still at the helm when a persistent and deteriorating knee condition forced him to retire midway through the 2007 season.

A performer with both bat and ball, the serious nature of his knee problem in 2003 determined that bowling was no longer an option.

But Irani shook off that setback by honing his talents to become a highly effective specialist batsman illustrated by an average that exceeded 56 in both 2004 and 2005.

Born in Leigh in October 1971, and after nine first-class matches for Lancashire in four years, he made the journey south to kick-start what was to become a wonderful career.

A forceful batsman, particularly strong off the back foot, he could also offer stubborn defence when the situation demanded and was also an effective right-arm medium pace bowler with the ability to swing the ball away from the right-hander.

He made his Test debut in 1996 at Edgbaston but after helping to save the match with India at Lord’s in the following match, he was dropped. However, he did go on to tour with England in 1996/97 but it wasn’t until 1999 when he got his third and final Test cap.

In 2000, he was named as Essex Captain. This was a role he retained, despite often playing through the pain barrier until an injury brought down the curtain on his career.

At County level, Ronnie was a feared opponent. He enjoyed a brilliant domestic 2002 campaign when he scored more than 1,500 runs, averaging over 53, along with 69 wickets which won him a recall to the England ODI side.

Although he retained his place for the 2003 World Cup, his knee problems worsened and in a bid to extend his cricket career, although by now exclusively as a batsman, Irani flew to America and then Germany to undergo knee treatment with positive results.

In 2006, he averaged 59 in the Championship and began 2007 with 144 against Derbyshire in the opening Championship match of the season. He later went on to record his career-best innings of 218 against Glamorgan at Chelmsford in the next game. However, that was to prove his final first-class innings at the County Ground.

During a Championship game with Leicestershire in May 2007, Irani slipped and twisted his knee and was forced to seek immediate medical attention. After treatment and a final consultation with his specialist, it was revealed that the damage was more serious than initially feared and he was told that if he continued professional sport, then it would seriously affect his health and lifestyle. Ronnie acted upon the specialist’s advice and announced his retirement.

By the time his career ended, he had played 211 first-class matches for Essex, accumulating 12,944 first-class runs @ 43.43 and claimed 316 wickets @ 29.24. In 179 one-day league matches for Essex, Irani struck 4,392 runs and claimed 161 wickets.

In 2015, he took up the position of the Club’s Chairman of the Cricket Advisory Group.


Essex Cricket Extend Partnership With Tees

Essex Cricket are delighted to announce that Tees Law have signed a three-year extension to their partnership with the Club, and will now sponsor the River Gate entrance, which is set to be renamed the Tees River Gate entrance.

Darrell Fox, Commercial Manager at Essex Cricket, said: “I’m thrilled that Tees have not only decided to extend their partnership with the Club, but to increase their investment in Essex Cricket, enabling it to continue contributing to the region’s sporting excellence.

“We’re fortunate to have a great relationship with Ashton and the team at Tees, and I know that the Members and supporters at Essex Cricket will be really pleased with the renovation work that’s been happening at the newly named Tees River Gate entrance.

“Entering and exiting the ground should now be a more simple and straightforward process, with wheelchair access now available both in the stadium and upon approach.

“Lights have also been installed along the underpass to provide improved entry and egress to the ground, especially on night matches, and none of this would have been possible without Tees and their commitment to the Club.”

Ashton Hunt, Group Managing Partner at Tees Law, added: “I’m extremely pleased that we’ve been able to extend our partnership with Essex Cricket.

“It’s a partnership we’re very proud of and we hope that over the next three years we can share more successes both on and off the field. Essex Cricket has long been the beating heart of our county’s sports scene, and Tees is excited to once again be working alongside this most prestigious of Clubs.”

About Tees:

• The firm includes 30 partners, 325 staff and a turnover of £23 million and is a major regional legal and wealth management firm.
• The firm has offices in Bishop’s Stortford, Brentwood, Cambridge, Chelmsford, Royston and Saffron Walden.
• Tees was established in 1913 by Herbert Stanley Tee in Bishop’s Stortford (where it is still one of the town’s major employers).
• The specialist services that the firm provides for businesses include commercial property, corporate law, employment law and litigation. Services to individuals include clinical negligence, personal injury, family law, residential conveyancing and wills & probate.
• The firm also provides financial advice. The team comprises financial advisers covering pensions, investments, protection and wealth management.
• Tees’ Group Managing Director is Ashton Hunt, who is available for media interviews.
• Visit:

Contact info:

Liz Lewis
Head of Marketing
01223 702319
07837 621928
[email protected]

Mike Johnstone
TOMD (PR Agents)
01279 657555
07958 975203
[email protected][email protected][email protected]

New 2020 Training Wear Available Now

The new training wear for the 2020 season is now in stock and available to purchase at The Essex Cricket Store. The range includes a training t-shirt, shorts, hoodie and tek pants, and includes Junior and Adult sizes. The training wear is made using lightweight materials and ideal for wearing at home or for your daily hour’s exercise.

This has been created by our kit manufacturers, Surridge Sport and features our training wear sponsor, Seetec across the range.

New products in our Eagles training wear range are also available, including the Eagles hoodie. This is in addition to our full range of grey marl clothing as worn but the First Team squad during last season’s Vitality Blast winning campaign.

Looking for other Essex clothing? We are fully stock with a new collection of polo shirts and other leisure clothing. This also includes items from 2019 Champions range, which now have 50% off for a limited time only!

The Essex Cricket Store at The Cloudfm County Ground is currently closed but we are still open for online orders at





About Seetec:
Seetec is a leading provider of training, skills and rehabilitation services to businesses and government in the UK and Ireland. It is the 9th largest employee-owned company in the UK and the largest employee-owned business in the sectors in which it operates.

The business helps thousands of people every year to take ownership over their future by helping them into work, develop new skills or make more positive choices. Founded in 1984, the company has grown by focusing on creating sustainable and lasting change for the people it supports.

The company is Ofsted Grade 2, B-Corp certified and accredited with the gold award for the Investors in People and Health & Wellbeing standard. For more information visit